
Woot! I finally posted my first story :D I so super estastic!

...But since I procrastinate, I thought this would be a bad idea T_T  But I loved the storyline too much to NOT post it up :o So I hope to the friends that they could possibly help with my FIRST EVER fanfic I EVER posted. I mean, I didin't even post fanfics back on where I would read my anime/manga and all that other good stuff on there :o So please do support me my friends! Because I will most likely have awkward dates up chapters being updates and such. Because the time I'm best at writing is when I'm most emotional XD 

So please help?


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YAY! Congrats on your first fic! :D
i'm not that great a writer, but if you need help or anything just ask. ^^
(pst. if you need an editor, i'm totally free!)