A Little About Me!

Just some questions I answered about myself!

  • Who was your first bias? What drew you to them?

My first bias was G-Dragon. I think it was because BIGBANG was really the first k-pop group. After watching is Heartbreaker video, he was all I could think about. I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, how can he move his body like that? How is his smirk so damn alluring? How is his backbeat so melodic and powerful?" I guess I should say that everything about him was simply fascinating.

  • What’s your dream vacation? who would you take?
My dream vacation.... Hm... I think I would do a month long tour of Japan and Korea. Honestly, they are the two places I want to live in before I die, and I so badly want to go there and experience what it is like to be immersed in the culture. I would visit all the big cities, as well as all of the smaller villages and hidden treasures. I don't know who I would take. I think it would have to be someone who would be able to handle my intense fangirling at everything I'd see. And my fickleness. While I like to have a schedule, if it's not preplanned, then I don't want to have someone complain about not knowing what to do. I would want to just go where the wind pushes me, in a manner of speaking.
  • Favorite male/female rapper?

My favorite male rapper has got to be T.O.P. I love it when he raps in SE7EN's Digital Bounce. When I frist heard that, I was like, "DAYUM B! THEM IS SOME NICE WORDS YOU BE SPITTIN!" Seriously, I couldn't even think straight, I think he just sounded so y.

My favorite female rapper is HyunA. I think she has a very cute and subtle style, that is a contrast from T.O.P. style, and that I feel is the one of the lesser westernized of Korean rappers.

  • If you could be any idol for a day, who would you be?

Oh, wow. I think I might want to be Sungjong in INFINITE. He's just so fun that I think I would have a lot of fun being him. The again, just being an idol in the first place would be enough for me.

  • What group do you want to meet the most?
I would love to meet SHINee. Seriously, they would be the funniest buch of guys to hang around with and get to know. Either them or Super Junior. They all seem so dorky and fun, I would love to be their little sister or something. I feel like they would make the best older brothers.
  • What would be you and your bias’ ideal wedding?
Outdoors, with one of those trellis things at the altar. I would have a high-waisted style white wedding dress. The color scheme would be green and silver, and we would give out silk fans as wedding favors. There would be one large chocolate marble cake, and lots of mint stuff. I freaking love mint (even though my mom hates it...) Key (my bias) would be fashionably dressed, no matter what, so I don't really care what he wears as long as it doesn't clash with the decorations.
  • Do you have any weird nicknames for your bias?
No weird ones, but I name my stuffed animals after my biases. Sometimes I combine my biases names for one stuffed animal and get really weird combinations (ex. Wallace Minho Dongwoo the Third).
  • Most awaited comeback?
All of them!
  • Random fact about you?
I do not interact well with people my own age. Most of my friends are in their twenties and thirties (I'm 18, going on 19 this September). It's strange, but I am just awkward, especially because most of the young people around me are uninterested in what I have to say and haven't yet grown out of the "It's all about me" phase of adolescence. 
  • Favorite food?

Anything with shrimp in it. Except for creamy things, like seafood newburg. I mean, seriously? Dafuq is that? It's so gross...


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