DiVA Application - Taeko Young



AFF Username (allyyoung)

Nickname (Ally)

Link to profile (http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/73731)





Full Name (Taeko Young)

Nickname(s) (Tae)

Age (18)

Birthdate (17/01/1994 Born year should be between 1989 and 1995.)

Birthplace (San Deigo)

Hometown (San Deigo)

Ethnicity (Korean/Filipino)

Languages and Fluency (Korean, Tagalog, & English)

Height (162.56 cm)

Weight (49.44 kg)





Ulzzang Name (Jung Roo)

Ulzzang Pictures: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv058cKDSn1qb8qomo1_500.jpg





Back-up Ulzzang Name 

(Jang Hae Byeol)

Back-upUlzzangPictures: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luet2t111Z1r4hmgro1_500.png







In general ( Taeko is a Very shy girl... when she is not with her bestfriend Sidney ( Sid). When you get to know her, she becomes Loud, Random and FUN! She tries anything to have fun and try to be happy.)

Likes (Gloomy days, Videogame music, Watching people having fun, Seeing people break dance, comedy movies, Sleeping, Rollercoasters.... XD hhaahah )

Dislikes (Snobs, Rude people, Very windy days, Waking up SUPER EARLY!!, scary dogs, stubbing her toes, having to wait forever to use a bathroom  )

Hobbies (Breakdancing, Swimming, Videogames, Tai chi , Photography)

Special Talents ( plays flute, piano, cello, violin, drums and does martial arts)

Habits (Very random, A.D.D, Sometimes too loud, Speaks her mind, Makes random noises, pating her legs like drums, Laughing at everything)

Trivias (LOves ICE CREAM!!!, knows how to mix her own music, Has been hit on by all sorts of CREEPERS!!!! sorry.. can't think of anything else.. :c)


Background History

(Taeko grew up with a single mother and an older brother. Her father had been in the navy but he has not returned after 19 years. Life was very difficult, due to the fact that her mom had to work her of to make Jay's and Taeko's life a little better and brighter. Furthermore, Taeko was made fun of when she was younger because when it would be "bring your father to school day" she would be the only one sitting in the corner, crying. Through her highshool years, she made more close friends that understood her story. One day when She was at school, she had gotten news that her mom had gotten into an accident. She immediaely ran out of the school and went to the hospital where her mom was at. Luckily, her mom only had a few cuts and scratches. Now, Taeko lives everyday to its fullest knowing that any day she could possibly die.)





FATHER | John Young | 49 | Unknown...

Relationship with character ( Hasn't been in her life since she was 3.)

MOTHER |Celia Young | 44 | Maid

Relationship with character (Loves her daughter to death! Does anything to stop her from crying)

SIBLINGS | Jay | 25 | Computer analyst.

Relationship with character ( Even though he's a computer nerd, he know how to break dance ( How Taeko learned!) and Tut. He looked out for his baby sister when she would get picked on. )



(Don't be more than 5, the less the better XD)

Sidney | 18 | OC

His/her personality ( He's shy when in front of people he doesn't know, Loud, funny , down to earth.)

Relationship with character (Childhood Best friends. They've know each other since they were 3!! Back each other up in tough situations.Sidney is also a Breakdancer! ^-^



(Sorry guys, but Kai is taken, omg I feel so bad about this but I just love him too much ASDJ:LKAJSDLKJ T^T)

 D.o.| 19 | Exo-K

Relationship with character ( Bestfriends)

Personality (Shy, bubbly, Funny, Loud when with friends)

How did you met him (One Night at a party taking place at a kareoke bar..... (haha) Well, Taeko was up next to sing and it was a couple song. She didn't really know anyone at the party ( besides 2 of her friends.. ) and couldn't really sing her best if she wasn't comfortable

      D.O. made her inner weirdo/singer come out when he got the guts to sing with a complete stranger. After that, they instantly became Besties! maybe even lovers???? ( Hmmm???/ hahha)




Kris | 19 | Exo-M

Relationship with character: (Friends)

Personality (Out-going, Friendly..... )

How did you met him (Singing/Dancing competition. Taeko was a Dancer but in order to compete, she had to have a partner. The only other person without one was Kris. By putting their skills together, they won 1st place!! WOOOOOOOOOOO... ^-^ ) 



(For example you're a rapper and your rival is CL because she's also a great rapper, basically a good-term enemy; not more than 2)

 TAEYEON| 20 | Girl's Generation

Why is he/she your rival (The two get along great, but when it comes to deciding who's a better singer... The two bicker and bicker.. ( Kinda like Naruto and Sasuke.. hahaah))


ENEMY: None!!! XD




How did you get into SM? (Taeko had been scouted when she entered a community talent contest. She was going to Sing and dance with a little bit of rapping. A scout saw how versitile she was and begged to to come to korea.)

How was your trainee life? (Taeko has a little case of A.D.D, sow when she would start day dream, she would be scolded for not paying attention.; Taeko is a very funny person so she has AWESOME relationships with all her sunbaenims.)

Training Period (3 years 2 1/2 months.)

Experience before debut (She oftenly did some back up dancing for Bigbang.)

Singing Links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKHX1a2vcXo |  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dStdUl5m6iI

Dancing Linkshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFrF12NqSkk&feature=fvsr ( girl in front )  | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrZfJsFTcmo&feature=relmfu 

Rapping Links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC4difLOr8M |http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx1A7WHrELk





Stage Name (TAE)

Position in the group (Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Rapper)

Persona (Night Owl Taeko)

Fanclub Name ( A.L.L.Y's( as in comrades ). Basically what this fanclub is about is, having someone to talk to when going through hardships ( Kinda like Taeko's life.) The Fanclub is based on Love, not hate because everyong has iridescent souls that deserve to be treated right. Furthermore, everyone deserves to have a chance to shine and have a share of the spotlight. ^-^




Additional information about your character (NOPPPPAH)

Fanclub Name Suggestions (Sorry.. I at it too!! XD)

Any requested scenes? (A scene where Taeko and her love interest are battling ( singing) and there is a moment where they almost kiss.)

Password (Yunjae!!! ^-^   http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzw7os3TbO1qbe0b1o2_400.jpg)


Comments and others (Nothing! ^-^)




To help me get the idea how your character is like in general,

Please choose one female idol group member that you think really similar to your character's personality  [Yoona from Girl's generation]


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