Fun Random Questions: Biases

Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions~

1. Youngmin

2. L

3. Sandeul

4. Niel

5. Jongup   

1. What do you like about 4?

His adorableness! Also, his lips! XD

2. Is 2 an alcoholic?


3. Can 1 sing?

Yes! I love his voice!

4. Is 5 in a relationship?

Nope! :)

5. Would you go out with 3?

Sure! He's adorable!

6. Is 2 hot?

Ehm...yes, But, I would say y! Lol!

7. Can 3 cook?

Maybe...or yes?

8. Do you know if 1 plays an instrument?

I'm actually not sure about that? :/

9. What do you like about 1?

His laziness, his voice, his eyes, his smile, his personality!

10. Has 4 had any solo albums?


11. Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?


12. Do you think 3 would be a good parent?

Yes! He can be very childish! Haha, which is perfect!

13. What do you like about 2?

Quiet and cold, but...he's actually not! He may seem like the scary type...but he's not

14. Can 5 dance?


15. Can 1 act?

Well yeah, he was in some dramas before

16. Would 3 take drugs?


17. Would 4 bail you out of jail?

Yes...he better? I think...I hope he does XD

18. Has 2 been on reality tv?

Yes...I think? I really do not remember!

19. Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?

3 or 5...maybe 

20. Is 5 tall?

Yes...but, all I know is he taller than me. Everyone is taller than me -_-

21. Has 3 done anything embarrassing in public?


22. Do you like 4’s current hair style?

Yes... :)

23. Is 2 gay?

Haha, no!

24. Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?

I really don't know...but maybe...molla!

25. Would 1 go skinny dipping?


26. Does 3 remind you of anyone you know? "twin." Since she can be very childish as well 

27. Would 5 watch ?

Does...he? I hope not! :P

28. Is 2 single?


29. Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?

What the heck! What kind of question is this?! ...If I have to marry someone I would either go with 1 or 2! That's all!

Stolen by: MAJE27


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I wanna do this. xD
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