
I despise my sister so much you don't even know. 
She's so akldshflkdsajfsdkjfh. I don't even have words for her. She blames everything on me, alkshfsakdfdjf. So my mom and I are mad at each other (more like I'm mad at her) right now, not because of this though. My mom had a small tub of ice cream in the freezer and she hadn't opened it yet. She was going to eat some right now when she opens it to find barely enough to cover the bottom of the container. She's all like, "Who ate all of it?!" She yelled that in her Chinese alksdjhfjdh and my sister goes, "Anna ate some last night." I'm just like, "Are you ing kidding me right now." Like, alksjhdfkjdf. She ate it. I swear she did. I was there. But she knows that my mom and I aren't talking to each other right now and she goess off and blames it all on me. She always does stuff and then blames it on me when she gets in trouble. 





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Misakilovessnow #1
I hate that too!
my brother and I get along reaally well.
Is she younger than youu?
maybbeee you should like record her one day secretly and when she blames something on you, you can be like mommmyy. I have this video type. You should see it before you get mad at me for no reason
I agree with MaeilYogurt! Karma is a . Hope things get cleared up and things are better with you and your mom!
I'd punch your sister. So. Hard. Depends on how old she is though. lol


Violence is not the answer. But I do hope things get better. Hope karma is a total to her. Stay strong my friend.
/hugs you

I feel ya.
simplewrite #5
i feel ya, man.