I'm going to hell.

Too bad. That was the most fun I'd had in ages... If I said that my night was unsuccessful, I'd totally be lying. I left that party with a completely different self image. Kinda happy about that.

Went to my friends party. Right when I get inside, someone asks me to dance. It's not a stranger. It's the guy I had a crush on last year. Who could refuse that? Watched the Asian guys break dance (Who doesn't love breakdancing Asians xD) then Eunice (the birthday girl) pushes me to dance with another guy. This guy? Hot Japanese guy I had a crush on in eight grade. Fack, Eunice knew that, too.

Went to go get drinks. This guy is getting pushed by his friends towards me and I hear "Go dance with her!" So he walks up to me and asks me to dance. It was a good thing that it was a blacklight neon party cuz I was flattered. We danced twice throughout the night.

Decided to be daring at some point and pulled my crush from sixth grade to dance with me. Kinda fun. The last time he'd seen me was sixth grade, and I don't think he knew I could dance like that.

Two of my guy friends asked me to dance. Kinda awkward, so I told them I was tired.

A guy from Chamber orchestra (friendly and sweet but not that cute) asked me to dance. We danced for a little bit. I used a laughing fit as my excuse to stop dancing.

But that is not the main point of the night!

While standing calmly by my friend Steven, some guy asks me to dance. Who is this guy? One of my friend's ex. You remember the y Korean? Yea, that's her ex who just decided to hit on me. James is an edgy half Filipino half German guy. He asked me what school I go to, my name, if I've seen him before... Anyway, after that ended, I thought, "Wow, I can't believe that just happened. Attractive guys never hit on me..." So I thought that was the last I'd ever see of him.

One song later, he pulls me over again to dance with him. Boy, did he smell nice... How can you resist the smell of a guy's cologne and peppermint gum? Holy shet, it was addicting. BUT WAIT! I know this guy's reputation, I shouldn't be doing this! But no.

I decided to be daring yet again. My First Kiss by 3oh!3 came on and this time I pulled him over to dance. Seemed to me like he was happy that I did because he was the only one that I danced with for the rest of the night. And if I danced with another guy (the sweet but not my type guy), he'd dance with another girl what losers. THEY asked HIM to dance. Needless to say, I was kinda jealous seeing him dance with someone else. My jealousy was wasted as he asked me to dance several times after that. It was just implied that we were going to dance with each other for the rest of the songs after that.

But it doesn't stop there!

While dancing in the far off room (some people were there but most were in the open room beside us), he kisses me. And it's not even a peck on the cheek or on the lips, it was the kinda of kiss that left me tasting his gum (which he'd thrown out) for the rest of the night. Maaaaan, that was some kiss.... After he'd done that, he disappeared into the crowd, and I thought ", this is as bad as a one night stand." But I was wrong. He found me again, and we danced.

Around 10:50, he's whispers into my ear "I'm leaving soon." I got kinda sad. Yea, I hardly know the guy, but he's the reason why my night is so amazing! So we danced until he had to leave.

When he did leave, just before he stepped off the dance floor, he pulls me over and kisses me again. It was a LONG kiss... And he asked for my number.

It's a good thing that he goes to my school or else I'd be screwed.


I get home, you know, put "What happens at the party, stays at the party" on Facebook. One of the guys that asked me to dance adds me. Whoo. But then Eunice emails me.

"Wait! Doesn't James have a gf???"


The guy that basically opened my eyes to what a real party could be like has a girlfriend?! And she wasn't lying. His girlfriend is some white chick with brown hair.


Someone is getting their kicked on Monday.


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PeaceNiq #1
woahh. Im glad my parents forbid me from going to parties. XD <br />
not really forbid but they just don't allow. <br />
And i hate going to parties. tooo noisy for me. XD<br />
good luck to you
@katsunotsubasa Uh.... yea.... hehe.... I forgot to mention something.... he's a year younger than me. ^____^'
katsunotsubasa #3
Daaaaayuuuum~ Get it gurl~<br />
Hopefully things aren't hella awkward on Monday >.>
SHUT UP.<br />
You know Lesley's life is an asian drama whennnnnn~ ^