My computer is crap...(probably because I'm trying to run a million things at once)

My computer just took about 15 minutes to load one short music video so I rage on it because when I dragged the bar back to watch it again it had to rebuffer.... Then I realized it's probably because I have about 5 mods dowbnloading, league of legends downloading, about 20-35 tabs open and loading, and I'm also playing minecraft. I just don't get how my computer isn't used to this by now... Especially considering the fact I do this a lot...


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My personal lap top is crap as well. When I use it, it will at times frequently go to the blue screen of death/crash. Its a waste of my time to try and even use it anymore. I use the familiy compters and my lap top that so many years ago (like 3-4ish) that I named Georg (Gay-org) who was named after one of the guitar players in Tokio Hotel has basically been reduced to a really expensive paper weight. A paper weight that is not weighing down any paper. >.>
you're lucky I love you...
And make sure you play LOL with me so I can teach you the basics or it'll turn out how COD free weekend did... D:
Omo you sound like computer died tough *sad face*