SHINee Survey || stolen from cutterpillow


Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions~
1. Lee Taemin
2. Kim Ki Bum
3. Lee Jin Ki
4. Kim Jonghyun
5. Choi Minho
1. What do you like about 4?
Jjong is a very good singer, I love his dino head and melodious voice!!
2. Is 2 an alcoholic?
Key does said he hangs out with the '91-liners' and they go to noraebang(Karaoke) and he is at his drinking age. But, I don't think he is alcoholic though~
3. Can 1 sing?
Yep! Ofcourse! You can say Taeminnie is rank 3 in singing.
4. Is 5 in a relationship?
Minho? I don't really know..
5. Would you go out with 3?
Who wouldn't? He is Mr. Chicken I mean Jin Ki! which means RARE.
6. Is 2 hot?
Haha! You judge, I go for Diva more~
7. Can 3 cook?
NO!!! Onew can NOT cook, it's a definite NO NO! 
8. Do you know if 1 plays an instrument?
Yes, all I know is that Taemin plays piano. Am I right?
9. What do you like about 1?
His dancing skills and how he turns from cute boy to hot guy! Anyone agree?
10. Has 4 had any solo albums?
I don't know if he has an album, but what I do know is that he has a solo song.
11. Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?
mmm...nope! MinKey? uh-uh, I like JongKey or 2Min more.
12. Do you think 3 would be a good parent?
Onew? *holds laugh* erm! I think so...
13. What do you like about 2?
His Divaness(?) I know I'm making up words, but Key is very good in dancing too!!
14. Can 5 dance?
Minho? Yeah he can!!
15. Can 1 act?
Yep! Taemin can act, his acting in high kick through the roof is jjang!
16. Would 3 take drugs?
If you meant by 'drugs' is chicken then yes. xD
17. Would 4 bail you out of jail?
Yes he will, I know he will!! TT^TT he'll use his Dino powers.
18. Has 2 been on reality tv?
Yes...yes he had been.
19. Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?
Taemin or Minho, tch! They are both shy....>.>
20. Is 5 tall?
He's the tallest!!!
21. Has 3 done anything embarrassing in public?
Yes, he fell down the stairs, hahah!! I love you DUBU!!
22. Do you like 4’s current hair style?
Yes. Jjong's hair is really handsome!
23. Is 2 gay?
HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! Key might dance girl group dance but, no he isn't gay.
24. Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?
Yeah, they we're all pweety~~~ xDD
25. Would 1 go skinny dipping?
Skinny Dipping? I dunno, Taemin is really shy and innocent to do that.
26. Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?
uh.....yeah! My cousin, he LOVES chicken too.
27. Would 5 watch ?
erm...I dunno. *calls Minho* YAH! Do you watch ?
28. Is 2 single?
No, he is with Jonghyun...LOL~   
29. Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?

1! Taemin won't do that...right? right? TT^TT


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LOL ar 29 xD