❂✵☬Calista Training Academy for Skylars Application ❂✵☬

Application Form:


Personal Information

AFF Username:


AFF Profile Link:

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Character Name:

Zi Yi Lan


ZiEl, Means Soul in Dutch

Age: (Should not be older than your chosen love interests.)


Birthday: (MM/DD/YYYY)


Height: (In cm)

170 Cm

Weight: (In kg)

50 Kg

Languages: (2+ and be reasonable with the amount)

Chinese [Fluent]

Korean [Fluent]

 English [Not Fluent]



Byun Ji Young

Ulzzang links:

Ji Young 1 || Jiyoung 2 || Jiyoung 3 || Jiyoung 4 || Jiyoung 5

Back-up ulzzang:

Lee Jung Ha

Back-up ulzzang links:

|| 1 || 2 || 3 ||





Yi Lan is kind of girl who can’t express herself well around strangers or people she barely knew. She didn’t know how to interact with strangers well because she feels too awkward to do so. She always ended up with the ‘cold’ image . She only act comfortable and act like herself around her friends or family or people she already knew well.  She’s a but rude and blunt. She always said anything straight to the point, whether it’s a words that could hurt someone’s feelings or not. and also, she never admit that she was a troublemaker. She always been the stubborn one and always think that she was the right one. When she realized she was wrong, she’ll only smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head while saying sorry.

She may looks cold and careless from outside, but she is actually a softie. She also loved to play with kids and having fun with them. She also can’t stand seeing her friends begging her to help them. when she was excited or happy, she always act like an energizer bunny and smiling all-day. Which is always making her friends scared that she have a mental ill or something because she is barely smiling. She has a problem with her temper too. She could explode anytime and anywhere she wanted to if there’s someone who really made her pissed off and she didn’t mind to finish it with violence, she IS a violent girl.





*Green Tea


*Action Movies

*Music (Especially Hip Hop)

*DSLR Cameras

*Ice Cream






*Being Ordered around


*People who gets to clingy to her


*Smoking People


Bad :

*Sleep-talking and talking non-sense in her sleep.

*Burst out laughing at someone’s joke and commenting non-sense about it.

*Pranking On Other People when she get bored


*Listening to ballad Sad songs when she’s sad.

*Tapping he foot on the ground when she’s waiting

*Smiling, even though she feel annoyed or angry.

*Hobbies/Interests: (5+)

+Rapping or Covering a Rap songs


+Playing with her brother at playground near her house

+Collecting seeds at the forest

+Playing with water and plants

+Playing Angry Birds (She's Maniac !)


+Scared of worm and Jellyfish

+Has an uncontrolled temper, she could explode anytime

 +Always Fail to got new friends because she always look awkward around people she barely knew.

+Never trusted people’s words even though they says the right thing, she always end up regretting that she never listened to them.


She is a Chinese citizen who born and raised in Korea with Chinese dad and Korean mother. Her parents had powers ever since they born. She found out about her Ability when she was 9 and she didn’t excited at all. All she did was saying  ‘What is this ?’ while kids at her age maybe will excited and jumped around knowing they had super power. She always act normal and act like nothing happened when knew she had a super powers. Which is making her parents amused and scolded her to improved her skill. Since she was kid, herparents already taught her how to use her powers and control them. but as the time flies, she often use her powers to pranked on other people.


*She always told her brother that he looks like Russel from the ‘Up’ movie.

*She always ended up splashing waters all over her self when something is distracted her from controlling water element.

*Her favorite food is Xiao Long Bao and Dumplings.

*Animal Lovers, she almost call every animals Cute, except worm and Jellyfish

Supernatural History

Power/s :

Nature Element control, (Controling Water, Wind, Fire, Plants and Earth)

Gravity Control (She could make all things floated in the air and doing things she wanted to against the rule of gravity.)


Bow and Arrow

Needle Covered with Poison



Symbol of power:

Tree Of Life

Special Accessory: (Necklace, anklets, brooch, bracelet, ring, hairclip, earrings, etc.)

Tree Of Live Necklace

Sacred Animal:

Siamese Cat



Zi Fang Xiang – 42 – Father – Run Chinese Restaurant in Myungdong– Shape Shifter

Jo Younghwa – 43 – Mother – Work at family Chinese Restaurant – Nature Element Control

Zi Yu Fan  - 10 – Younger brother – Elementary School Student – Emotion Control (Controlling other People’s Emotion or feelings)

Best friend/Friends/s:

Song Qian (Victoria Song f(x)) – 24 – Childhood bestfriend – Shape Shifter

Xiumin – 19 - Best Friend For Live - Cyrokinesis

Rival :

Wu Yi Fan (Kris) – 21 – Friendly Competition - Flight

Love Interests:

Park Chanyeol – 20 – Crush – Pyrokinesis - When she was stressed because didn’t use her power for such a long time, she decided to go to Seorak mountain and went hiking. She let herself freely control the Nature elements around and made some trees grew taller. Then,she made things around her floated in the air and too, she walked up to the tree to watch the View up there. When she was walked down the tree and made everything normal again, she caught Chanyeol staring at her with shocked expression and mouth hanging open. At first, she was annoyed by his presence, but then she had an urge to pinch his cheeks after she saw that he had dimples when he smiles.

Luhan –19 - Opposite attract-Telekinesis- Luhan is transferred student at her school since she was in junior year. He always encountered her because the one who understand chinese is just Fei Yu, he is like a lost puppy and always followed Fei Yu anywhere she goes to. When someday he realized that he likes Fei Yu and he kept bugging her with always greet her in front of school gate and giving her flowers. That annoys her so much that she can’t control her temper.

Byun Baekhyun – 20 – Hated eachother– Light Manipulation – At the academy, she was using the gravity control ability of her and making things around her floating, including Baekhyun who she didn’t know that he was around. When she knew he was floating because of her, she immediately made everything back to normal and things that floated, dropped back to the ground harshly. Including baekhyun, When she was about to apologize, he snapped at her and told her that she was a troublemaker and crazy. Since that day, they always cursing and fight with eachother when they met.


Clan suggestion and motto:

Goden - Too Dangerous to tame


 I hope you like my character :)




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