100 facts about me


1. Name: Maarja

2. Nickname: Mammu

3. Birthdate: December 14'th (THE SAME DAY AS ONEW's ASKDJADOJ) 1995

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Primary school: Liblika (Butterfly :3)

6. Elementary school: I went to 2 actually. No point in naming them :D

7. High school: Pärnu Sütevaka High School of Humanities (Its actually a small renovated beer factory xD I love my school :D)

8. Hair color: Brown with highlights

9. Long or short: They were super long but I cut them :c

12. Phone or Laptop: Laptop ( i just lost my phone -.-')

13. Health Freak: Nope :D

14. Orange or appleApple

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Hehe.. yes :3

16. Eat or Drink: eat!

17. Piercings: Only ear piercings..

18. Pepsi or Coke: Neither. I used to like coke, but not anymore :D


19. Been in an airplane: 
Uhuh, and I was scared to death xD

20. Been in a relationship: Yup yup

21. Been in a car accident: Luckily no.

22. Been in a fist fight: ... with my best friend some years ago.. we're still best friends though :D

23. First Piercing:  ears

24. First Best Friend: I've had one best friend my whol life (way back from kindergarten xD)

25. First Award: uuuh... I don't remember O.õ In a bike race I think

26 .First Crush: When I was 4.. haha

27. First word: ...

29. Last friend you talked to in person: Tiina

30. Last friend you texted: Tiina

31. Last friend you watched a movie with: Tiina (we just spend a lot of time together okay? xd)

32. Last food I ate: a strawberry

33. Last movie you watched: Despicable me .. don't judge meeh!

34. Last song you listened to: B1A4 - OK

35. Last thing you bought: Prince William's cake

36. Last person you hugged: mom?


37. Food:
estonian pizza or my mom's special pasta :3

38. Drinks: Nestea green tea :D

39. Bottoms: skirts? :D

40. Flower: I don't know actually

41. Animal: I love all animals unconditionally.

42. Colors: all sahdes of blue (esp. baby blue) and yellow, red- warm and light colors

43. Movie: Inception

44. Subjects: English :)


45. Fallen in love with someone
Oh yes

46. Celebrated Halloween uuh.. we don't celebrate Halloween here in Estonia

47. Had your heart broken yep, it was a minor crush though

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone who hasn't? :D

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head Yes.. and I did.. :D:D

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza Sure thing

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed It happens way too often -sigh-

53. Did something I regret absolutely

54. Broke a promise Yep.

55. Hid a secret yeah, I love secrets.. kekekeke

56. Pretended to be happy well at least I've tried :D

57. Met someone who changed your life I've met a whole bunch of them :D

58. Pretended to be sick way too many times

59. Left the country Yeaaah~ and I'm going to England in july ^o^

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it probrably not

61. Cried over the silliest thing   I'm a huge crybaby, so yeah :D


 62. Ran 5 miles: ... are you kidding me?



63. Went to the beach with your friends Of course, why else is my home town called the summer capital of Estonia?

64. Got into an argument with your friends yeah.. sadly... a lot of times

65. Hated someone I still do (a)

66. Stayed single Yeaaaah


67. Eating:
Not anymore

68. Drinking: Nope

69. Listening to: FT Island- hello hello

70. Thinking about: Choir practice

71. Plans for today: PARTY! not really.. just hanging with some friends :D

72. Waiting for: thunder


73. Want kids:

74. Want to get married: Of course ^^

75. Careers in mind: I don't know who exactly I want to become, but I wanna go to Tallinn's university to study Asian cultures and languages


76. Lips or eyes:
Eyes.. no lips! no eyes... lips.. eyes...lips! no... Such and impossible question *pouts*

77. Shorter or taller: TALLER!!! * 'cause I'm already so tall xD*

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic :3

79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice stmoach but strong arms :D

81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


83. Lost glasses/contacts:
No :D

84. Snuck out of a house: don't recall :D

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope

86. Kissed someone before: Yes..

87. Broke someone's heart: I don't think ... oooh wait- yes :(

88. Been in love: I don't actually know how it feels to be really in love -sigh-

89. Cried when someone died: Uhuh *sniff*


90. Yourself:
I do

91. Miracles: Well.. at least I dream of miracles :D

92. Love at first sight: YES!

93. Heaven: Not really

94. Santa Clause: ..... suuuuure..


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?:
Yeah and I miss him soooooo much :*

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: yeah

99. Do you believe in God?: Uh.... sort of? I'm not religious, but.. geez, I don't know

100. Would you change something in your life?: Definitely


Taken from Caline (why do I always steal things from u? xD) :P


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Maarja #1
yay I made Caline happy ^o^
that was so cute xDD omo, you stole from me :3 *happy*