Danger Application


Basic Information

Your AFF username: danceninja

Direct Profile Link: www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/149704

Your name: Lorna


Character Information

Character Name:  Kim Mikoto

Nickname: Mickey, my friends are constantly teasing me for loving Disney

Stage Name: Mikoto

Date of Birth: 4th of November

Age: 22

Ethnicity: Half Korean , half Japanese

Location: Hometown

Languages spoken: Korean-Fluent English-Basic Japanese-Fluent

Persona: I bring the fun ^-^

Desired Position in group: Vocalist/Sub-dancer

Personality: I’m definitely odd, but Imakes friends easily and I’m not afraid to make a fool of myself. Sometimes I act like a child but I’m calm and able to work through a problem if one arises. Some people can’t handle how bubbly and strange  I am, but the people who don’t mind make friends with me easily. I’m open and kind hearted, and I always puts my friends before my own needs.


Is that how you look?

Ulzzang Used: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang links: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/Ulzzang/225740_132018873551279_115040495249117_221944_354680_n.jpg



Backup Ulzzang: Park Seul Ki

Backup Ulzzang links: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/ulzzang%202/167581_164603660252103_162580003787802_329368_7062945_n.jpg

http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg252/crazykikki91/ulzzang%202/387807_192391267520304_164138527012245_394351_1414346720_n.jpgStyle description: Bright jeans, plain t-shirts, cute skirts high tops and flats. I likes to make a statement.


Style links: Casual: http://inherprime.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/cheap-monday-tight-skinny-jeans-1.jpg




Formal: http://totallyhowto.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/perfect-black-dress-300x300.jpg




Stage wear: http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/525844234_1/Dance-the-princess-skirt-of-bitter-fleabane-bitter-fleabane-stage-clothing-DS-leads-a-costume.jpg




Who's your family?

Family Background: My parents got divorced when I was 16,and I lives with my dad and younger brother in Seoulwhile my mom lives in Kyoto, Japan. My family is well off middle class and have always had enough money for what they need.


Family Members: Kim Soo Yeon,father,47,Builder,he loves his family and wants them to be happy doing whatever they want. He supports my decision to join YG.

   Kim So Hyun,brother,13,he fights with me but we love each other, he wants me to join YG because he thinks it might help him in his guitar career.

   Yuja Hirofumi,mother,45,office worker,she hasn’t yet found out that her daughter is going to be in a girl group with YG. Yuja is the one that named me, since she’s Japanese and wanted to give one of their children a Japanese name.


How is your relationship with each member? I get on well with all of my family, but I don’t see my mom much and don’t talk much with her.


Additional Character Information

Likes: Disney, popcorn, strawberries, making friends and orange juice

 Dislikes: Horror movies, asparagus, buzz-killers, horses and people fighting

Hobbies: Walking, reading, swimming, playing guitar and writing short stories.

Habits: Biting my knuckle when I’m nervous, scrunching my hair when things get awkward and tapping my fingers when I’m bored.

Trivia: I have an obsession with glasses of all kinds, I was 15 when I got my first job and I write songs.Most people think I'm weird when  say that I still use a Sony mp3 player,but I still use it because it was the last gift my mother gave me.


Job occupation that you have in the company: Sang as a back-up singer for 2ne1.

Anything about your character that I might find interesting? Even though my mom is from Japan I can’t fluently speak Japanese, my mother never taught me and we’ve always lived in Seoul so I never got to experience it.


How were you discovered? I used to work in a café and when I was finished my shift I would get something to eat there, listen to some music and do some homework. One day I was doing homework and my favourite song came on. I started singing along but I didn’t know there was a talent scout near my table who heard me singing.


Your audition links:

Singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9XnN7rW7xA&feature=plcp

Dancing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fgRLhxznQ&feature=plcp

Rapping: (for those who want to be the rapper of the group)




Best Friends: Dara and Chiyoko

Friends: Gummy


Romantic Interest: Seungri

His personality: Confident but strange

How you act around one another?: We’re playful with each other , we’re good friends and he’s always giving me advice for on stage and dancing.


Rival: Hyuna from 4minute

Why are you rivals: Because she doesn’t like how I seem like I don’t take much seriously and she ruins my fun all the time.

Do you want to fix the relationship or no?: Yes


Other Things

Are you alright with mature content or in the fanfic: Yes,it’s adds complications and makes things interesting.

What saying does your character have and when does she say it?: “Do you really want to do that?” When aomeone’s about to do something boring or that might not turn out good.

What should be the chant that the group has to get into their rightful mood?:Watch out, Danger coming!

What should be the group's fanclub name?: Criminals (because criminals are danger…get it?)

What should be the group's fanclub colors?:Black and yellow

Your characters' personal fanclub name?: Blossoms

Your characters' personal fanclub color?: Light purple

What should their debut song be?: Hot Issue – 4minute

What should their debut album be called?: Warning Signs

How should the group debut?: As the opening act for the BigBang World Tour


Any scene requests that you have?: A scene between me and Seungri would be nice, or Chiyoko

Questions/Comments/Concerns?: This is my first application to a fic so thanks!

Password: Wow, Fantastic Baby


When you finish this application, I want you to know that I have the right to change anything that I want and that if chosen, I have the authority to form certain scenes or make things happen that may or may not upset you...

Are you alright with this?: Of course,you’re the author.

Do you give me permission to change anything about your character?: You can change whatever you want.


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