Danger Application~

Wow, Fantastic Baby



Basic Information

Your AFF username: kisstherainton1ght

Direct Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/122422

Your name: Kimberly


Character Information

Character Name: Kim Eun Ae

Nickname: Eunnie: They usually call me this in an aegyo way when I'm upset or just thinking too hard. They also call me this when they're in a hurry.

Stage Name: Eun Ae

Date of Birth: March 2nd

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Location: Hometown- Busan; Currently living in- Seoul

Languages spoken: Korean and English

Persona: Charismatic Angel

Desired Position in group: Main Vocalist/ Sub-dancer

Personality: She gets excited over small stuff and has a calm heart but never overreacts to situations. She thinks before she speaks and never opens to insult someone. She's seen as someone very welcoming and knows how to break the hearts of cold pe0ple. She likes to believe that no one is evil for no reason and tries to avoid drama. If ever put in a situation of choosing love or friendship, she wouldn't hesitate to choose friendship. She's open minded and always listens to people and also goes to people with her problem. To avoid any hurtful comments, she faces her troubles straight on and doesn't hold her feelings back. Even though she doesn't hold her feelings back, she isn't a cold city girl. She's very humble and modest of others and tries to win with genuine feelings. She acts as mentor to her members and allows them to borrow all her stuff (even though she's really stubborn). She always sticks to a decision when she makes one and hates it when people compare her to others. She has a way of making people open up to her even when they're considered cold to the core.


Is that how you look?

Ulzzang Used: Kim Seuk Hye

Ulzzang links: http://data.whicdn.com/images/26670133/kim_seuk_hye_599682_large.jpg





Backup Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

Backup Ulzzang links: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GS3KC_OQYns/S9Icev7c7I/AAAAAAAAB4M/T4rQGiALvWg/s1600/kim+shin+yeong3.png



Style description: She likes her skinny jeans and baggy shirts. She doesn't like wearing heels too much and prefers her converses but she also loves her flats. She likes simple outfits.


Style links: Dorm:  http://xcb.xanga.com/891f6ae608531280107951/m223144951.Png






Formal:  http://img.alibaba.com/wsphoto/v0/477859999/Wholesale-and-retail-free-shipping-Fashion-Summer-Womens-Flower-Black-Dress-Dresses-R6652.jpg




Casual:  http://www.carahamelie.com/storage/outfit-ideas-1-31-2011-3.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1296545434823










Stage: http://www.asianpopcorn.com/news_images/T_ara_s_Hyomin_selcas_with_Invincible_Youth_23012010000451.jpg



Who's your family?

Family Background: She grew up the only child in a middle class family. Her father works as an educator and her mother is a stay at home mom. They were both against her becoming an idol but later accepted it when she kept sneaking off to YG Entertainment. Her mom complains all the time to her about marrying a rich man but she doesn't listen to that very much. She's a daddy's girl and always asks her dad for his opinion before taking her mothers. Her dad is always laid back and believes that his daughter is the greatest thing alive. They lived in Busan but because a university asked her dad to teach, they moved to Seoul.


Family Members: Kim Dong Won- 45- Educator- Very laid back and spoils his daughter. He teaches college Business courses and is very patient when dealing with his wife and daughter. He spoils Eun Ae very much and has moments when he wishes she would've continued her degree as a lawyer. He's more understanding in her dreams because she's the only child and believes that if she wants it, she should get it. He tries to make her work for her dream and shows her that life is full of disappoinments but you have to move over it.

Kim Eun Mi- 43- Housewife- nags her daughter whenever she cans but loves her to death. The reason she nags her daughter is because she's scared of Eun Ae's future. She believes there's only a downhill for Eun Ae if she becomes an idol because you can't go anywhere after that. She prefers Eun Ae marrying a rich doctor or prosecutor and argues with her daughter often over that. Although she supports Eun Ae in becoming an idol, she'll try just as hard to make her switch her decision.


How is your relationship with each member?

She's very open to her dad and calls him often. She's not as clsoe to her mom because of her constant questioning and nagging. Eun Ae feels like she's the daughter they didn't want and tries to do things her self often in fear of disappointing them.

Additional Character Information

Likes: RnB and hip hop music, dancing, baking deserts, the colors black and white, korean dramas, dogs and puppies, winnie the pooh

Dislikes: Bees, dark colors, being compared, too much aegyo, banana milk, running

Hobbies: Writing music, staring at the night sky, sitting by herself to think, baking, reading novels, sleeping

Habits: Biting her lips when nervous, playing with her hair in boredom, biting her tongue when angry

Trivia: She loves to joke around with her members and is seen as very weird but funny. She thinks for the sake of the group and listens to what her seniors tell her to do. She's extremely ticklish and even though she's the only child, Seven protects her like a little sister because he's known her a long time. She's actually really smart in life but tends to have some blank moments. She fails at aegyo but has a natural way of showing it. She's responsible in keeping her members in check and dealing with problems because she can look at things in a different view.


Job occupation that you have in the company: Music video appearances such as: G-Dragon's heartbreaker, Tae Yang's  I need a girl, and Seven's Somebody Else.

Anything about your character that I might find interesting? She's been in YG for awhile and actually was suppose to debut with 2NE1 but her debut got delayed when she had to had surgery for . After that, she had to go back into training again and got vocal help from Tae Yang and Dae Sung.


How were you discovered? She auditioned two times but failed the first time. She had to personally show up at their rare auditions for the second one and they decided to give her a chance because they thought she had potential even though she was only so-so on singing and very bad at dancing.


Your audition links:

Singing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHIvAKp7WZQ&feature=related


Dancing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhnc4dTARJE&list=UUceVJipgYXN1S3qekergnjw&index=10&feature=plcp

Rapping: (for those who want to be the rapper of the group)




Best Friends: So Yeon from T-ara

Friends: Choi Mi Na


Romantic Interest: G-Dragon

His personality: Stubborn and annoying in the eyes of Eun Ae. He tends to fight with her alot but she later learns that he really does care for her. Without her knowing, he always takes care of her.

How you act around one another?: They argue like Chae Rin and Seung Ri to hide their true feelings to one another.


Rival: Dara

Why are you rivals: Eun Ae feels like Ji Yong's in love with her unnie instead and because of all the daragon fans, she's afraid of showing her emotions to Ji.

Do you want to fix the relationship or no?: Yes. They didn't have a bad relationship beforehand, they were just very awkward with one another.


Other Things

Are you alright with mature content or in the fanfic: For sure yes because it only adds to the passion of the story :D

What saying does your character have and when does she say it?: "You never give me the chance to explain and all this time I've held back Ji, but you're a real sometimes..." She says this when they're in a heated argument about her scandal with Super Junior's Donghae.

What should be the chant that the group has to get into their rightful mood?: YG Jjang, Danger Jjang, YG maknaes Danger Jjang

What should be the group's fanclub name?:  Dangerous

What should be the group's fanclub colors?: Black and Yellow

Your characters' personal fanclub name?: Heaveners

Your characters' personal fanclub color?: Black and white

What should their debut song be?: T-ara I'm so bad

What should their debut album be called?: The Start

How should the group debute?: YG's family concert in Korea that marks the start of Danger's promotion. They'll be introduced to YG's fans.


Any scene requests that you have?: A scene would be great but I won't die without it so no need to worry about that. Just a heart to heart scene with Ji Yong will be great.

Questions/Comments/Concerns?: Thanks alot guys for making a fanfic like this. I keep trying to apply for some but always get turned down lol. I'm in one right now but the author hasn't started yet so I'm a bit sad.

Password: Wow, Fantastic baby


When you finish this application, I want you to know that I have the right to change anything that I want and that if chosen, I have the authority to form certain scenes or make things happen that may or may not upset you...

Are you alright with this?: Of Course. As a writer too, I understand that things need to be changed in order to make the story better.

Do you give me permission to change anything about your character?: Change her as much as you want.









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