
To connect thoughts from heart requires practice

The ending song of Hunter x Hunter was playing when I decided to write this blog. I looked up and that was the line on the screen. Nice. It fits my intention for this blog. Why am I always on mobile when things happen?

The last blog I posted using my phone is Understand. I was trying to define it. What does it really mean when people say "I understand"? How do we understand?

Kpossible21 and kpopartory asked me what's wrong.

Exofafic and misaki expressed their confusion.

Glitterry thought it was poetic.

Yuu014 ''found the connections but not the intention" and the rest,

Ignored it.

That post is vague. I myself am confused. I didn't expect you to understand understand but I was happy that my frienda responded to it. I planned on leaving it just like that but something happened.

Obviously, Understand didn't make any sense, you were confused. But because you didn't understand Understand... Would you ask me to just shut up and keep it to myself since Keeper doesn't make any sense, since Keeper is speaking in codes or symbols? Is it right for you to do that to Keeper?

I tried to connect the thoughts of my heart and I wanted to show it. Was I wrong in doing it?

If you don't like what you see, you can simply ignore it. Or as expected of my friends, they expressed our friendship in ways that made me smile.

Blogs. It has no form or structure. It is mostly informal and personal. It is where you could hear the voice of the blogger the loudest because it is his/her thoughts and emotions you are reading. Its importance lies on the intention of the blogger. But its relevance differs among readers.

Remember that it is the opinion of one person you are seeing, what's going inside his/her brain. We are given different brains and so we think differently.

To understand, I realized, is not to get inside one's head. But to stand under where that person is standing.

-Keeper says good morning


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I thought, you were stressed about something, and its bugging you.
Its in your head, but can't get it out.
And, that you yourself can't understand your own situation.

But, I'm here, no matter what it is. *smile*
I knew you were trying to tell us something. -_______-+

The message was received the first time. I didn't want to comment because I was afraid that I was wrong. Why? Because I thought that you were pissed at something so you're probably saying that you got into a fight with someone which led to the post I don't even know what I'm rambling on about OTL

I still think blogs are a way to get in somebody's head. Surely there are still filters but us younglings treat it is a diary of sorts...meh.

Good morning ^^
You still talk like a poet, I should think!
Gmorninin keeper!^^
yeah same here,,saw your previous blog too...
was going to comment "fill me in" or just a "?"...'cause i got confused too
but then i thought that you were just having your random moment and i thought that i should just let you be... *bad unnie*
nways,,unnie's here now :D and we have a free world here to express our randomnessesseses
smile dearie,,know that your virtual unnie's here :D
The point is this. Just blog about it if you want.

You three, ish okay, okay? ^0^
I am merely showing the dif ways to respond to a confusing blog. And this is another confusing blog, lols
deijuvenile #6
Good morning, keeper! :DD
*saw the post but didn't respond because I was confused
*feels guilty
^^ Good morning eonni~ =3
ANYWAYS! =3 /huggsssss
Hai~ kekekek~