
So prom is tonight
Nails are done, hair is done, and I just need to get into that damned dress
But you know what?
I still don't want to go!
Prom doesn't interest me one little bit
Not eve a teeny tiny little itsy bitsy bit
But I'm still being forced to go
My mom is evil...and I already spent $70 on a ticket...


It's not even going to be that fun!
As stated in my previous blog, the music
Even though I'm a hardcore k-pop fan, I'm not saying that they should play k-pop
I hope they don't
Everyone at my school bashes k-pop...
I ignore them....
I really do, I'm just like:


But if they played it at prom, it would be going on all night
I can only handle k-pop bashing so much before I snap
It's one of the few things that makes me happy, bashing it around me is a bad idea...
It really is...


I sort of respect their music taste
I don't bash it right in front of them...I do it within the safety of my bedroom and locked doors
So...instead of listening to their music that talks about nothing but drugs and
I will be bringing my ipod...
And I will listen to music that I love
All of that
And it will be my only enjoyment of the night...



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Aiolios #1
I shall I shall ^^
aerokinesis #2
Post a picture later? ;D