I need a co-author!! It's okay if you don't want to be my co-author. ;)

I need a co-author who can update my stories sometimes.

I need a co-author for my story called "Little by Little" & "Secretly In Love" :) Does it look like I can't handle any fics here? I can. Hmph. ;)

Please, please, please be my co-author. I will bake you cookies if you become my co-author ;)

Hehehe, now here's what I need to say:

I need a co-author because...

- I have too many fictions and I'm having a hard time updating it.

- I need help.

- I need ideas from other people.

- I wanna have a co-author, for the first time. ieatrexandace is my classmate so it wasn't hard for me to make her be my co-author. LOL.

- I wanna have a bestfriend in AFF. :)

If you're interested to be a co-author, just fill these questions up:


Why did you wanna be my co-author?

Any sample of your BEST ficition(it's okay if it's not complete)?

How often do you update?

Are you willing to update if I asked you to update for me (btw, no worries. I will only ask you to update like 30% of the whole fic. So maybe about... 5-8 times, depends on how many chapters I have in the story) ?


And if I get to pick one of you, I'll be sending you a note. :) and if I didn't pick you, I'm so sorry. No hard feelings, okay? :) But I won't be sending you a note. :D Only the one I picked. :)

If nobody filled these questions up, I am so gonna feel bad. UGH. I tried so hard trying to be friends with people here. ;) LOL.  BTW, I will be picking two people. And if only two people comments here, dang it. I will have to automatically get those two people. :D


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Well, i would love to help you... <br />
I might have plenty of time since I really have nothing to do until my first semester comes...i almost update everyday (not that i'm bragging..kekeke)<br />
I'm confident if the fics are about SHINee. if not, i don't think i can...
adelle_hyunae #2
if you do need help,i'm more than elated to give you a helping hand.(:
Eeeuuumm.. I really want to help you...<br />
And I can online almost everyday cause I'm in my holiday<br />
I wrote stories for my comic before and made FF with my friends (just or fun)<br />
But.. My english is not that good.. so i'm not confident 'bout this..<br />
But if it's okay.. I want to be your bestfriend in AFF~<br />