Gotta read ! (esp. for my umma)


My Shwaggie Umma..!!!!~~













Hello my hottie umma! That gif up there..??  Yeah right!! That's my Umma!!

I felt luck to have you ChaeUmma..~ <33

Umma, this is my first gift to you..



Hope you like it ChaeUmma!! Eunji loves YOU verriiee much~

So, umma....~ 

Muaaahh!!! *kisses* No one could ever replace you..!

Saranghamnida!! *hugs*


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y-CL-Swagger #1
OH WOW, A BLOG FOR ME?? AND HOW GLASSES! nice ;) <3 I LOVE THEM!!!!! OMG UR SOOOO SWEET CUTIE PIE~ <333333 U HAVE NOO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU <3 *hugs you tight* *showers you with my kisses*