My FieldTrip! Somewhat kpop related but not really

I took a field trip to medieval times in maryland

it was the most funnest place you could ever go to in your teen life :D

we were assigned a knight ( i had red) and we lost ( only because we cursed and there were little kids here but hey it couldn't have been helped.

the entire time i was texting my best friend( who is my somewhat boyfriend but its not official yet) and I told him that i missed him and sent him pictures every now and then. he even wrote me a letter. i read it and i was talking to myself saying things like " Dat " and "bless his heart" I got strange looks for the first one. XD

even when i came back to school i waited for him to get done with track practice.

he gave me a popsicle and a ride home!! i was super happy about it.

I also forgot to mention how the horse was hopping around like SHINee in Sherlock XD

the entire time we( me and my friends) were making kpop references

singing Fantastic baby on the bus was the moment that made my day XD

gahh i could go on and on but i dont want to bore you with this so im gonna go nap now im exausted and i think i got a tan from being outside too long.


until then

- Sabrina "Sab" [insert last name here] :D


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Good to hear you had fun!!