Best Feeling Ever.

(Unnie, shush, i can blog ALL I like xD kekeke Saranghae!)

This is a silly but true story...

but anyway, I'll just get to it hahaha...

I was feeling all teary, and I was watching stuff on the internet that actually made me cry, and I had decided to give up on the guy that I like, because it felt really futile...

but, I was on Facebook, right? And I was going to log out...

When he popped up!

And, I was feeling really at first, so honestly, the moment he popped up, my face literally burned sooo much, I don't know if it went red, because I'm asian... (xD haha xD)... but anyway,

I was feeling weak and shaky before he popped up, and then this feeling kinda spread through me, and it honestly, honestly felt like turning from doom and gloom into happiness, and it was the best feeling ever! I felt so warm and happy out of the blue! All he was asking about was my opinion on what he should do with his hair, ahah xD But I don't mind, twas good enough^^ He's so cute haha.

That's all I have to say... that, and I attempted to speak to him, but I kinda ran off before we got into a conversation, but my younger sister said he grinned and laughed, in a happy, cute way! Hehehe^^



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