The tale of Xiaodan. LOL

Okeh, okeh. I normally wouldn't do this but today was so epicly cute!!!!!!!!!!!

I was walking up this hill to my house when a little boy was waving at me with BIG ARM CIRCLES! I ran up the hill and asked him what was wrong. He looked at me with big eyes and said "This girl I like won't accept this candy!" I tried not to chuckle at the cuteness as he held out milk candy.

"Well lets go see what we can do about it." He nodded with his big brown eyes and black hair. SO CUTE! I guessed he wanted me to follow because he waved. But he waves weird like. I asked him what his name was and he gave me a long speech.

"My name is Xiaodan, that is X-I-A-O-D-A-N. I am 7 years old and my family moved here from china when I was 1. I go to this school. I forgot the name. I hope we can be friends..." He took my hand and dragged me to walk faster. "Thats what my dad told me to tell people. BUT I wasn't supposed to talk to strangers." When I laughed he glared at me.

"Ok...well i'm not strange..." I honestly didn't want him to know my name...too embarassing, so I avoided it. Xiaodan stopped and pointed to a girl across the playground by my house.

He looked up at the sky next. "It's that girl. Her name is Rain." I see this little girl around a lot but I never talked to her. She has long brown hair and green eyes. "I like her. BUT she doesnt like me...or my name, it's different she told me. Today she told me she couldn't take the candy because she was on a mission." Rain looked our way and then ran once I waved to her.

I shrugged and looked at Xiaodan. "What mission. You kids are weird. I'm going home." With that I started to walk off. Xiaodan ran up to me and blocked my path.

"NO! IF YOU GO I WILL SCREAM!" but he didn't say scream he said scarm. HAHA! SO CUTE! I smiled at his engrish and turned towards the park. "okay! I don't know her mission. BUT! I WANT HER TO ACCEPT THIS CANDY!" Xiaodan explained. He plopped onto the grass and patted next to him. I sat down and thought. I not very experienced in love...but i mean they are young so...

"Okay well why don't you ask if you could help her in her mission? Maybe you could bond..." He nodded and ran towards her. After 5 or so minutes I thought it was okay to go home so I started walking back. all of a sudden I hear "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! COME BACK!" Xiaodan -.-

"OKAY OKAY JEEZUS KID!" I yelled back and ran off to the park again. He was standing by Rain with a red face. "What?"

He ran towards me with a angry look (which was sooooo cuttteee). "Rain said she wants to find a type of music to like. Her" He looked back at Rain and thought more. "Encoys? Yeah encoys old people music." I burst out laughing at ENCOYS!! That of course mad Xiaodan upset so he stepped on my foot.

"Enjoys?" I ask still laughing.

"YES  YES! ENJOYS!" Xiaodan frowned as he saw Rain walking away.

"Can't help you little boy. i don't ENCOY music others might." I shrugged and turned around. K-pop isn't very like-able here. I was half way out the park when I hear footsteps next to me. XIAODAN! OMG THIS KID!

"I give up on wife..." Wife? Does he mean Rain...

"Rain? Wife? Xiao...You are so weird." I roll my eyes and continue walking faster.

"ITS XIAODAN! AND I MENT WI---LIFE!" Okay i give up this kid is too cute. I grab Xiaodans arm and march him to the park.

"RAIN!" I shout and she comes shyly. "You want music?" I ask and she nods. I grab out my ipod and hand it to Xiaodan, asuming he knows how to use it. He fumbles with it and then gets it. He pulls out my headphones and presses play. On comes EXO-M History!

"I can understand them!" Xiaodan shouts. Soon all these little kids are dancing around my Ipod. I guess I did good. Slowly I sneak away with my IPod and watch Xiaodan and Rain.

Now I wonder where his parents were....

Oh and i dont care about the mistakes I've made typing this...


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I saw him again today