BEST WEEKEND EVER!!!!! And uber cute guy!~ ;D

Hey guys! It's been a while! ( ^-^) Sorry I've been MIA for a while! It's just, a lot of stuff has been going on! Last weekend, we FINALLY had our school play! 4 months of hard work, and it REALLY paid off!! We were SPECTACULARRR!!!!!!!!! I sang and danced my heart out!!! <3 The girls had to wear their hair in curlers to school (Including me, and it wasn't as bad as you think! :DD) and the guys had to slick theirs back! I had SO much fun!!! We had 4 performances in all. Opening night on Friday at 7, the next show at 1 on Saturday (Matinee), the next at 7, also on Saturday, and finally, Closing night on Monday at 7. Everyone in the cast is AMAZING, and I love them all!!!

After the Matinee performance on Saturday, our whole cast walked to the mall, make up and all, and had the BEST TIME EVER!!! One member in our cast went up to this lady and was like, "Excuse me...what year is it?"

The lady was like, "O_o Ummm...2012...Like it's been all year."

And the kid was like, "IT WORKED!!!!! :DD" and he ran away. It was HILAROUS!!! xDD And we all walked around and ate ice cream while messing around with even more people! Then, the best part. A few of us got rides to the mall, like me. But I couldn't get a ride BACK to school, so a bunch of us just started walking, cuz, it's not too far away. There were about 10 of us in a group. As we're walking past Toys R Us, almost everyone in our group goes, "Oh! Let's all go to Toys R Us!!" and me and this other kid named Jackson both go, "Nah, we should get back. They might need us early or something." Of course, we're ignored so me and Jackson are like,

"Pssh! Fine! We'll just go without you!" So then we start walking and we're like.... "We should've gone to Toys R Us." xDD But! That's not the best part! The best part is this: Jackson is SUPER cute!!!!! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

So I got to walk back to school with him, alone!! It was awkward in the beginning, but then we just started cracking jokes and everything!!! <3 He's SOOOO CUTE!! The other awkward thing is, one of my best friends EVER has a crush on him too! XDD But we're fine with it because

A.) Rule of sharing crushes #1: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. (She saw him first, so whatever. ^^)

B.) Sisters before crushes! Meaning, no guy will ever come between besties. ;D No matter how cute!

Still, it was SO fun!

Then the whole cast went to Red Robin after the 7:00 performance on Saturday. :DD YUM!!!

Monday was our last performance and one of my friends even started CRYING! It wa soo sad!!!! I love all these guys so much! :( But! We're all having our first cast party this Friday, so WHOO!!

Anyways, I've got a BUNCH of homework, because our End-of-level testing is coming up this week and next! Right now, I'm having the English portion, and I'm ROCKING IT!! It's uber easy! I've got this in the bag! ;D Science is next, and I'm a little skeptical, but I think I'll do alright! I've been studying like CRAZY and I'm confident! ^^ Just gotta eat right and get my rest now! So, obviously my stories are going to be put on hold for a lil bit longer. Also, my computer is dead, so we've gotta buy a new one. xP Meaning.....Microsoft Word is still gone. Oh, poo. :/

Well, LATER!!!~~ :DD

Thanks for reading!~ x3

(p.s. Jackson is SOOOO CUTEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



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I'm looking forward to them, LOLLIPOP!!! :DD
@chibichick: I've only ever thought 4 guys were cute. Jackson isn't REALLY cute in looks (though i won't deny he IS cute. ;D) but it's more his personality that makes him likeable. x33 <3 All the other guys around here look like potatoes....xP
I so bad at rollerblading. xDD But that sounds like fun!!! :DD
Haha, thanks for caring enough to read, guys. :3
chibichick2399 #2
OHHHH! You get a cute guy!?! D: There are NO cute guys where I live. LOL OMG! I like do this rollerskating think and it's like a play but we dance to music on skates (Easier than you'd think) and the last performance was on sunday and ALL the girls (even me) were crying so badly cuz' we were gonna miss eachother SOOO badly :'D But our 'skating party' is this sunday and I get to see all of them again! :D Glad you had SOOOO much fun!
Seems like you are having fun ^^ well, mine will be ending soon so will trying to post some new chapters online(: