
I'm sorry to inform you guys that I am taking an indefinite hiatus on pretty much everything. One of my best friends in the world was killed last night and I just found out. The shock still hasn't even fully gone away yet and I expect to be bawling my eyes out sometime within the neaer future. I loved him to death and he was like an older brother to me....I knew he was having problems but he was getting better and now..... I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all my subscribers and friends but I won't be able to update anytime soon. Thank you for reading this. 



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I'm so sorry... Only just read this...
Take as long as you need- everyone's here for you!
I'm truly sorry for your loss, please stay strong! I bet your friend wouldn't have liked it whenever you cried, right? So don't cry, put on a smile, look in the mirror and say, " I'm ok!" Your friend will be watching over you in heaven, he'll be with you in every part of your journey and life, guiding you through all the hardships you come across. He will always be by your side, so don't cry! God bless you, his family, his friends, and his companions!
omg.. im so sorry for you! you dont have to worry abt us :) we'll always be with you! if u need someone to talk to we all are here! everyone has rough times in there life but this is relay shocking! but dont worry.. and im soo sorry for ur loss... i dont exactly know what you feel but i can understand how much shock you must be having so i hope everything will be fine for u and ur frnds family :)
that's terrible, I'm so sorry for you :'( you don't have to worry about us, just take care of yourself and we'll wait for you :)
Min_Chan_lover6612 #5
OMG. im so sorry.... it must be hard for u.im so so so sorry. u can always talk to us.we'll be with u through it all :>
kayeblaise #6
I am so sorry, sweetheart. <3 That's awful. I can't even imagine. And don't apologize to us, you have nothing to be sorry for. Don't even think about us. I hope that you have people by your side to help you through this but if you ever need a stranger to talk to, we're all here for you. <3
Oh my gosh, I want to tell you I'm so sorry for your loss but I know that that isn't going to make it any better. I don't even WANT to think about how I'd react if that happened to me, and I know you're not going to feel any better anytime soon, which is totally understandable and everything I can say is going to be cliche, but my thoughts are with you, and I hope that you can get past this. <3 Don't worry about us. They invented imagination for a reason. Just focus on yourself for right now. <3
haleeann #8
I'm terribly sorry for your loss, I can't say that I know what you are going through because that has not happened to one of my friends, but I do know what it's like for that event to happen to a family member, so I guess I understand if he was like a brother. Don't write, try to keep yourself as stable as you can. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss, and even if he is gone, he is still watching you, I promise he is. Stay strong, and don't let this terrible event make you do something harmful to yourself as he wouldn't have wanted you to do that even for him. <3 Take as long as you need, and I am terribly sorry for this tragic loss. It's a horrid way to leave this world, but he is free from this horrid, violent, greedy place. You aren't alone<3 And lots of us support you. Take as long as you need<3
I haven't really commented much but I feel I should now. I'm so sorry for all you've had to go through. Don't fret over your readers. It's completely understandable. I hope things will get better with time. There's plenty of us around here that are here to support you.
Cadenzasus #10
Holy .
Don't write.
And despite my being an awfully silent reader I adore your story and just-
Issues like this come before us. Most definitely.
Stay strong, and the best of my wishes to you, your friend, and his family.
You have so much courtesy to inform your readers about this.
Please don't feel sorry for us,I understand how that would feel.Please take as much time needed as possible.Don't worry,he is in no more pain,he is with the lord oyr god,safe and sound.He's in good hands,resting in peace.Bless him.We are the ones who should be sorry,another living soul gone,but he is okay now in heaven.
lahdeedah000 #12
:'( I'm sorry for your loss.... ~virtual hug~
May he rest in peace :[ I'm sorry for your loss ! I wish I could be of more comfort, I'm actually still comforting my cousin who just lost her grandpa, so I can only imagine how you feel, but I hope and wish the best for you <3 Despite being strangers just know that you have a supprt system :D ELF are cool like that [or at least I am O.o] If you need someone to talk to and don't mind letting your feelings run wild to a complete stranger, then I am always open to listen :] Til' then, the best of luck my dear and I hope to hear from you soon *joins hugs from other readers*