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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrM6B5GLGYBmH_j1mlJCT (will these do? I don't know much about B2AST)http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x344/Wasabi951211/Beast%20-%20Fiction/BEAST_FICT_clip.gif





Asian Fanfics Username: Kimjade

Character name: Song KiByul

Age (17-23): 21 (international age 20)

Birthday: April 21 1991

Height: 168 cm (5' 6")

Weight: 47kg (103 lbp)

Ethnicity: Korean/American

Personality: Kibyul is a bright young woman who often times has her head in the clouds because she is a deep thinker. She is loving and sweet until someone threatens her family, friends or members. Then she may loose her temper... just a little ಠ‿ಠ .
She is very mother/big sister like to others, but has a hidden wish to be cared for instead, by someone.
She can be a little spacey at times, but takes her passion seriously and gives 110%.

She isn't afraid to be silly around kids and people she knows. 
She is very respectful to elders and seonbae's, and loves hearing any advice or stories they tell. She shies away from conflict but isn't afraid to state her opinions.

Often she will secretly disappear to go read a book in a secluded spot, preferably near a window. 

Appearance: http://i322.photobucket.com/albums/nn419/jadeicewolf/dohweji8.jpg


Family members: Mother: Shim Gae Rin/Korean/American
Father: (Deceased) Song Dae Geun/Korean
Brother (oppa): Kevin Song (married to Isa Song)

Family background: She was born in America. Her Father helped to raise her traditionally and she had lessons in the Haegeum (a traditional Korean instrument) as well as dance from the age of five. She was taught English alongside Korean. At the age of 12 they moved back to Korea hoping the familiar would help Dae Geun recover from a long term illness. Her Father died when she was 13, but had been the main encourager for her dreams of becoming a dancer/singer. Her Mother completely changed after he passed and became like an enemy to her and her brother. Her Mother is still at odds with her career choice, but her Brother and Sister-in-law support her whole heartedly. The two still live in America, but she has a close relationship with them still.

Hobbies: Listening to Music of all countries, Sketching, reading, writing stories poetry or lyrics, Playing instruments, learning languages, and swimming.

Likes: Dancing, Learning about new languages and cultures, Respectful people, kittens, rain, lazy days sitting under a tree while sketching or reading, Water (either drinking it, looking at it, or playing in it), Kimchi, playing pop music on the haegeum, dancing to others songs (really loves dancing to SHINee's Lucifer and hello).

Dislikes: Cigarette smoke, Spiders (bugs in general), dirty dishes, Rude/clueless people, being nagged at endlessly, vain/snobbish people.

Positions: Lead dancer, sub vocal

Talents/ Abilities: She learns languages quickly and knows English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, and French in order of fluency.
Can spin in place without getting dizzy. Can do the dances of most k pop groups.
Has amazing flexibility and acrobatic skills.
Can sing at least one full song in all the languages specified earlier, and one in Gaelic (Irish).


Fun Trivia:
Writes pensive poetry on rainy days.
•Loves thunder storms.
•Took Kenjutsu and Kendo lessons for five years (without her Mothers knowledge).

•Loves to be praised (but blushes easily).
•Blood type O.
•Can purr like a cat.
•She admires Miryo (Brown eyed Girls) and Dara (2NE1) for their rapping skills and hair styles.
•Can also play the piano.
•Twirls her hair when deep in thought or when distracted (like when reading).
•Can direct the flow of variety shows, making everyone laugh at her unexpected puns.
•Is very good at acting.

•Admires Eunhyuk and Taemin for their dancing abilities.
•Sticks the tip of her tongue out when drawing.
•She loves the smell of fresh strawberries so much that she stands in the grocery section sniffing the packages.

Friends (the maximum is 5): Sunny (SNSD), Daesung (Big Bang), Onew & Taemin (SHINee), Taecyeon (2PM)

Enemies/Rivals (the maximum is 5): Yoona & Jessica (SNSD), Siwon (Suju)

Current crush: G-Dragon; Kwon Ji Young, TOP; Choi Seung Hyun (Big Bang), Eunhyuk; Lee Hyuk Jae (Super Junior)

Group friends: SNSD, Big Bang, 2PM

Group enemies/ rivals: Wonder Girl's and After School.

Other comments/ Extras:
She loves cobalt blue.
♦ She sleeps with a bumble bee pillow animal, and she snores.
♦ She will let out a short scream if a bug jumps out at her, but it's high pitched and sharp enough to wake everyone in the house.
♦ Often tries to copy TOP's rapping and failing horribly, but making every one around her laugh.
♦ She also has a bad habit of saying "Aish!" when she get's mad or if something goes wrong, or she hurts herself.
♦ Likes to gripe at people in other languages, when she know's they won't understand her.
♦ Blushes uncontrollably in front of guys if they are admiring her.




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