Cimari Apply for BAP Story





Name: Alice Poynter

Gender: Female

Age: 16

DOB: May 11, 1996

Birthplace: Steventon, Ingland

Current Location: Seoul, South Korea

Personality: very tomboy actitude, look very cute but she dosen't like that told her she is cute, innocent, positive, happy, childish, not girly, simple

Background: grew up in place that the nature is the mayority so she love be outside and run, she have a problem that be femenine cuz' she grew up with 3
brothers and just her Dad, her Mother died when she were 5 years old, no body told her how to be girly o be a 100% girl, is very comun to her be around by boys than girls, she dance a lot for money in the street to make money for her, she love music thanks for her Mother, she were a pianist teacher but now she is gone her Father start to hate music so just because she dance and do things all about music, He stop talking to her and be nice with her, he only talk with her brothers, only becasue he remaind of her mother 


&&&Both Parents Alive?: No

&&&Only Child?: No

Family Members: Dad (James), older brother Harry (24), brother Tom (20), brother Danny (18) 

Family's Personality: quite emotional familiy, the Father dosen't care about her at all and the brothers love her so much just because is the little sister and for them she is the most important things in their lives

Relation With Each Family Member: the Father work all the day and focus on her brothers, he dosen't care about her, her older brother Harry is very smart and play the guitar for hobby is very cool and calm, alwats try to make her sister happy, Tom is more serius and quite but he like to see her little sister smile and Danny is overprotecting, he always want to know everything about her, what she is doing and stuff like that, is very funny. 

Favority Family Member: Danny

Least Favorite Family Member: None, she love her Dad even if he hate her

&&&Still In Contact?: Yes,  almost 3 days on week, specially with Danny

***Family Secret: the Mother die because of her, she dosen't remember the accident, a man abducted her and her mother was the one who saved ther while she was bandaged, she thinks that was her brother who saved her and her mom died in a car accident in which she was involved and therefore doesn't remember

Habits: dance everywhere, and bite her lips almost all the time

Loves: animals, dance, listen music, nature, food, sports

Likes: pants!, shoes, food, chocolate, hugs, smiles

Dislikes: dresses, high hills, girly stuff, aegyos (even if she does withouth unknowingly)

Hates: sad faces

***Turn-ons: nice body 

***Turns-offs: girls

***es: shoes

Personal Secrets: she scare about thunder, because when she was abducted that night there was a thuner, but she believe it is for the car accident

***Less Personal Secrets: she love boys t-shirts cuz is no too tight


***Favorites(Answer as much as you want)

Article of Clothes: pants

Color: dark orange

Animal: Cat


Movie: Step Up

Book: Harry potter


Ideal Kind of Friend: funny, sporty, kind, more mature than her cuz' she is childish

Favorite Person in World: Mother

Ideal Kind of Boy: simple, nice, shy (like the oposite of her)

How You Treat Others: very enthusiastically, and kind even if someon hurt her

How Others Usually Treat You: like more mature than her, very protective, nice


Favorite BAP Member: Zelo

Least Favorite BAP Member:  Youngjae


Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: light brown

Pants or Skirts: Pants

T-Shirt or Long Sleeves: T-shirt

Heels or Flats: Flats

Hair Up or Down: Downs

Tights or Socks: Socks



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