Masqurade Application

Your Contact Info:

Username: Prettyangel25

Profile Link:  *Click Me*


Your character:

Full Name: Blake Cheonsa Choi

Nickname : Bailey (everyone) | Blaze (her brother)

Age : 16

Birthdate: 14/02/96

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: American-Korean

Languages: English & Korean (fluently) | Japanese (basic/learning)

Height: 160cm

Weight: 46kg




Blake is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If your asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless your an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before i throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Blake is a fun-loving, energetic teenager. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When your with her, its a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh. She hates being cute, instead she wants people to see her as a cool, charismatic person.

Blake is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someones head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her. The only time Blake keeps shut is when someone asks her about her parents or her past. When someone brings it up her past, she suddenly blacks out and loses herself in emotions and becomes overwhelmed woth images from the past. Only her best friends know about her past and why she is the way she is.

Blake is very cautious around starngers and people she doesn't know that well. She is always listening to her intuition, which is alomost never wrong. She's very observent like her brother and pays a lot of attention to the details in a person's personality and the way they act. She knows for a fact that a person's actions potray their personality and inner thoughts. Becuase of the cold extrerior she puts up infront of strangers, people tend to think of her as an Ice Princess. That image only changes if she allows you to see the blake behind the brick wall.

Blake doesn't make friends easily; it takes a lot to gain her trust. When you get to know her properly she will rarely call you by your name. She has little nicknames for her friends and calls them that weather they like it or not. Blake is very protective of her family and friends; if you mess with them your messing with her and that's something you don't want to do. She'll make sure to get you back in the most diabolical way possible. She would never abandon someone who really needs her, no matter what her thoughts are of that person might be.


  • Family & Friends
  • Music
  • Writing
  • Amusement Parks
  • Spicy Foods
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Japanese Anime and Manga- Mainly Bleach, Naruto & Pokemon
  • Action & Comedy Movies
  • Star Gazing
  • Sunsets


  • Crying
  • Smoking/ Smokers
  • Spiders
  • Clowns
  • Dark, cramped places
  • Answering stupid questions


  • Speaking her mind
  • Ruffling her hair when nervous
  • Curses in English when pissed
  • Sticks her tongue out randomly
  • Bouncing her leg/ tapping her foot when she is sitting
  • Covers her face while laughing


  • Daydreaming
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • Listening to Music
  • Shopping
  • Photography


  1. Clowns
  2. Needles/ Injections
  3. Snakes


  • Her favorite color is    Lime Green
  • She never had her first kiss
  • She has 3 tattoos- Right Wrist | Left Wrist | Right Shoulder
  • Blake and her best friends each have a tattoo that symbolizes their freindship- Daehyun | Taemin | Krystal | Niel
  • Blake and her brothers each have a tatoo to symbolize their the fact that their past will not effect their future- Zelo | Jesse
  • Blake never takes off the neckalce that her father gave her before he went to jail



Name of the Ulzzang: Park Hye Min "Pony"

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Style: C A S U A L  | F O R M A L | H O M E




  1. Murderer's Sister
  2. Dectective 2 or 4
  3. Murderer's partner- in-crime 1 or 2

Persona: The Dark Angel

Any Experience?: None




Father | Choi TaeHyun- 52- Mechanic truned criminal (in jail for child abuse)- Blake and her father never really had a relationship, they did love each other, but they never really talked.

Mother | Choi Hilary- 50- Unknown - Blake hates her mother with a burning passion. She feels like her mother abandoned her and left her to die (well that is exactly what she did)

Uncle | Choi Dong Wook- 35- Music Producer- Blake views Dong Wook as a father, he was the one who practically raised her after all. They have a special bond that isn't like a father-daughter bond or a brother-sister bond its something different and its something that Blake can't put her tongue on.


Older-Brother | "Jesse" JaeSun Choi- 24

Twin Brother | "Zelo" JunHong Choi- 16

Family Background:

~Early Life in America~

Blake was born in and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She resided with her mother, her father and her two older brothers Jesse and Zelo- Jesse is older by 8 years and Zelo is her twin brother who happens to be 5 minutes older than her. Her father was a mechanic and her mother was an elementary school music teacher. They lived in the lower class, it didn't effect her mother, but it did effect her father. Blake's father always had a drinking problem because of how stressful his job was. Often times he would come home form work and go form this loving, caring father to this abusive obessive wife-beater. Her mother always tried to hide the fact that her husband was an alcoholic and that he beat her. He never hit his kids he only hit his wife.

One Day when Blake was 5 her mother never came home from work. Days passed, then weeks with no sign of her mother anywhere. It was pretty evident that her mother couldn't handle her husband anymore and decided to abandon him and her kids. Her father was so devastated, that his drinking became worse and since his wife had left, he started beating his eldest son Jesse. This went on for 2 years until the 15 year old Jesse couldn't take the beatings anymore and called the police. Their father was arrested for child abuse and the Choi children were sent to live with their unlce in Busan, South Korea.

~Life in South Korea~

When the kids came to South Korea they didn't speak an ounce of Korean and were bullied. Their uncle Choi Dong Wook was a very well known music producer. This meant their uncle had quite a lot of money. Blake and Zelo didn't hesitate to forget their past to live the life of they always wanted, Jesse on the other hand couldn't bring himslef to forget his past and because of that he began to distant himself from his uncle. Jesse was scared and it bothered him since he was not the person that never became weak, no matter what happend he always had a brave face, but this time he just couldn't let go of the painful memories of his past. While the twins see their uncle as a father figure, Jesse veiws hims more as a babysitter and this is why his uncle stopped trying to get close to him because everytime he tried to even talk to him Jesse always had his defense wall up and became almost mute. 



Best Friends:

Jung Daehyun

Lee Taemin

Jung Krystal

Ahn Niel

Close Friends:

Nam WooHyun

Gong ChanSik

Lee ChaeRin

Rival(s) and Why?: N/A 


Love Life:

Love interest: Moon JongUp

His Personality: Jongup is  cocky, impatient, childish, unpredictable, trouble-maker, rebellious, cold- To strangers Jongup may seem cold-hearted, mean and rebellious. His friends see him as this childish, unpredictable, silly, trouble-maker. Jongup has another side that many people don't get to see; he can be warm, romantic and sweet. He is very loving and caring towards the one he loves.

How you meet: They meet through Zelo who happens to be Jongup's best friend

Back-up Love Interest: Lee ByungHyun

His Personality: charismatic, witty, playful, arrogant, insightful- Kids in school call him the king of skinship. He is very cocky and has more girl's phone number than in the phone book.  He is quite the heartbreaker and tends to go from one girl to the next. he doesn't car for anybody but himself and his friends.

How you meet: They haven't meet yet



Other Information about the character: Nope

Ideas for the story: Look in the others section below in the other application

Comments:Again look below in the other application

Sorry for handing this in late hope this makes up for it- F U N N Y   M A R C O S    A N D   G I F S    S O R R Y    XD   <3



Your character:

Full Name: Jesse JaeSun Choi

Nickname: Sunny (His siblings) | JayJay | J.C

Age : 23

Birthdate: 24/ 12/ 88

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York, USA

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Blood Type: B

Ethnicity: American-Korean

Languages: English & Korean (fluently) | Japanese (semi-fluent)

Height: 187cm

Weight: 58kg



Personality :

When you first meet Jesse, you'll see this sweet, shy, innocent little boy. Jesse only does this to lower your defenses. This litle facade of his to get people to like him. Then he'll use them for his own persosnal needs, but is very indirect about it so people don't realize he's just using them. It is very hard to tell if his kindness is real or a figment of your imagination. He only pretends to trust certain people, but really he's examining their personality and their true intentions (that is if they have any). No one would guess that this little innocent, sweet angel is really a manipulative, cunning demon.

The closer you become with Jessem the more he starts to change. He starts off with this sweet and innocent, angelic personality, but after awhile he starts to curse. Instead of sitting up straight in his chair, he'll start to slouch and burp...alot. He even starts to speak his mind (which he doesn't do very often). All those things can make Jesse seem alittle "obnoxious' which sometimes he can be. Jesse is one of those people that is able to stay claim while under pressure. He likes to analyze the situation he is in, and plays along until he can strike and take control.

He has a flexible personality and knows how to dea, with many different types of people. If he really wanted to Jesse could just sit there and stare at peoplpe and figure out thier flaws in a matter of seconds. It doesn't take him long o grasp on a person's personlity. He learns he person's flaws and troubles, in case he needs to use them against them in the future. Occassionally people who fall victom to thei angel faced demon ask him why he is the way he is, Jesse just simply says "Why do you not like me anymore? If i didn't have you to do my bidding i would have to do it myself, and where is the fun in that?" in his little innocent tone and then he'll just walk away not giving the person enough time to process his question inorder to answer it.

If you are one of the lucky choosen ones and you are able to break through Jesse's thick brick wall and gain his trust, he will always be there to lend a hand. He is extremly protective of his friends and family since he doesn't have very much. If any of his loved ones needed his help he would drop everything he's doing just to be there for them. He just absolutely adores his little brother and sister and would do anything and eveything for those two.


  • His friends and family
  • Sleep
  • Doing Nothing
  • Technology
  • Himself
  • Japanese Manga & Anime
  • Alternative Rock
  • Luxury Goods
  • Art
  • Video Games
  • Coffee


  • Skinship (touchy people)
  • Annoying People
  • Nagging
  • Rules
  • People who abuse other
  • Alcohol/ Drinking/ Drinkers
  • Smoking/ Smokers


  • Observes strangers
  • Lieing with a straight face
  • Talks in sarcasm and profanity
  • His smile is so cheerful and innocent that it reeks of danger
  • Winks at girls when he's flirting with them
  • Stutters when he's yelling when he's upset (which rarly happens)
  • If someone interups him while he's yelling he starts to yell at them (this person is normally Zelo)


  • Hanging out with his siblings and friends
  • Watching Japanese Anime
  • Listening to Music- mainly alternative rock and rap
  • Drawing
  • Playing Video Games
  • Sleeping
  • Watching Movies
  • Surfing the internet
  • Excersing


  • Losing his Younger siblings and Friends
  • Death


  • His favorite color is RedREDRED
  • Jesse has 4 tattoos- Right Shoulder | Chest | Back | Back of Neck
  • Jesse and his best friends all have tattoos symbolizing their friendship- Joon | YongGuk | Ji Yong | Seunghyun
  • He and his siblings also have matching tattoos also- Zelo | Blake
  • Jesse has a dog named Spike
  • He doesn't really like girls in a romantic way, but when he falls for a girl he falls hard
  • He goes to his little sister for girl advice and when he needs someone to vent out his feeling to



Name of the Ulzzang: Francisco Lachowski

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Back-up Ulzzang: Park Ji Ho

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Style : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6




  1. Murderer
  2. Murderer's partner-in-crime 1
  3. Head of Criminal Investigation

Persona: The Angelic Devil

Any Experience?: Nope





Father | Choi TaeHyun- 52- Mechanic truned criminal (in jail for child abuse)- Jesse hates his father even more than he hates his mother, the mere mention of his father's name makes his blood boil

Mother | Choi Hilary- 50- Unknown - Jesse hates his mother with a burning passion. He feels like his mother abandoned him and left him and his siblings to die (well that is exactly what she did)

Uncle | Choi Dong Wook- 35- Music Producer- Jesse never really liked his uncle, he saw him as a babysitter more than anything else. He has no feelings toward him, he doesn't hate him nor like him. Honestly if his uncle died Jesse would feel no remorse because he really could care less.



Little Sister | "Blake" Cheonsa Choi- 16

Little Brother | "Zelo" JunHong Choi- 16

Family Background:


~Early Life in America~

Jesse was born in and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He resided with his mother, his father and his two younger siblings Blake and Zelo- They are twins. His father was a mechanic and his mother was an elementary school music teacher. They lived in the lower class, it didn't effect her mother, but it did effect her father. Jesse's father always had a drinking problem because of how stressful his job was. Often times he would come home form work and go form this loving, caring father to this abusive obsessive wife-beater. His mother always tried to hide the fact that her husband was an alcoholic and that he beat her. He never hit his kids he only hit his wife.

One Day when Jesse was 11 his mother never came home from work. Days passed, then weeks with no sign of her mother anywhere. It was pretty evident that her mother couldn't handle her husband anymore and decided to abandon him and her kids. His father was so devastated, that his drinking became worse and since his wife had left, he started beating Jesse. This went on for 2 years until the 15 year old Jesse couldn't take the beatings anymore and called the police. Their father was arrested for child abuse and the Choi children were sent to live with their uncle in Busan, South Korea.

~Life in South Korea~

When the kids came to South Korea they didn't speak an ounce of Korean and were bullied. Their uncle Choi Dong Wook was a very well known music producer. This meant their uncle had quite a lot of money. Blake and Zelo didn't hesitate to forget their past to live the life of they always wanted, Jesse on the other hand couldn't bring himslef to forget his past and because of that he began to distant himself from his uncle. Jesse was scared and it bothered him since he was not the person that never became weak, no matter what happened he always had a brave face, but this time he just couldn't let go of the painful memories of his past. While the twins see their uncle as a father figure, Jesse veiws him more as a babysitter and this is why his uncle stopped trying to get close to him because everytime he tried to even talk to him Jesse always had his defense wall up and became almost mute. 



Best Friends:

Lee Joon

Bang YongGuk

Kwon Ji Yong

Choi Seunghyun

Close Friends:

Jung Jessica

Lee Donghae

Lee Sungmin

Lee HyunkJae

Kim Hyuna

Rival(s) and Why?:Dong Young Bae- They never liked each other ever since Jesse moved to South Korea. It also doesn't help that Young Bae wants Jesse's girl.


Love Life:

Love interest: Park Sandara

Her Personality: Sandara is a very sweet, caring person who is always smiling and laughing. She can always manage to make her friends and family smile with her sweet nature. Sandara does however have her moments when her short-temper gets the best of her. She hates when people make fun of her or her friends and would stand up for them. She is the type of girl who fights for what she believes in and those she loves. 

How you meet: Haven't meet yet

Back-up Love Interest: Jung Jessica

Her Personality: Jessica and Jesse have similar personalites, they are both cunning, cruel, and arrogant. The only difference is that Jessica is very blunt and has a super short temper. She also tries to keep her distance from stangers while Jesse likes to meet new people in case he ever needs them.

How you meet: Jessica and Jesse meet when he first moved to South Korea. Jessica lived next door. One day Jesse got bored and decided to take a walk, while on his little walk is where he meet the beautiful Jessica. At first they didn't like eachother infact they completely hated eachother. Soon they realized they both enjoyed using people they don't care about for their own personal needs. They later became partners in crime.



Other Informations about the character: I think you covered everything

Ideas for the story:

If Jesse does end up being the murderer can his victums all be women in there late 20s early 30s because i was thinking that he was targeting these women becaus ethey resemble his mother, who left him and his siblings to be beat to death by their alcoholic father. Or maybe his vcitums could be middle aged alcoholics who are that have childern that they abuse.

Could Dara be a police women that Jesse is trying to get close to to find out exactly what the police think about his murders, almost like he has a spy to tell him about the police's plans; the only thing is that Dara has no clue that Jesse is using her, but at the sametime he starts to fall deeply in love with her.

If Jessica is my love interest could she be one of Jesse's partners in crime. You know sorta like a Bonny & Clyde.

Comments:  If you need me to change anything or if i missed something for either of my characters you can just pm me and i will change it A.S.A.P

If you already have someone for the murder's sister just tell me and i'll fix Blake's app to better fit my other choices.



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and I asked you to name a preferred weapon if you are applying for murderer.
thanks just pm me
and your app XD thanks