Black Apple Asylum Application


Mirror Assualt

For the briefest moment you looked into the mirror

"I used to look like this…,"

Min Hyo Sun 1 2 3 4


"But now…"

Still Min Hyo Sun 1 2 3 (Sorry I couldn't find more. I hope that doesn't affect anything)


You look deeper into your reflection and your memories of before flood you….

Stomping along the dangerous, dark streets, I kicked the rocks away with anger. Another meaningless argument with my mother, and even though it was pointless I was still furious for no reason. Lost in hectic, raging thoughts I did not notice the strange, intoxicating smell I inhaled as I continued. My vision was getting hazy and I tripped over a pebble. A hand was held out for me and I took it. It pulled me up and lifted my chin as if inspecting my face. Without thinking, I asked, "Do you forgive me mother?", my words slurring and head throbbing. And then I completely collapsed into the stranger's chest.


"They'll worry about me…"

Mother: Yun Byun Hee---51 years old---A bit too annoying and controlling, but I know she does care for me. She plays a important role in my life. A guardian and a loved one at that.

Boyfriend: Park Min Hyuk---19 years old---Mysterious and artistic, similar to me. That's how we match and attract to each other. He is my half. A cliche, yes, but it's true.

Father: Chan Jun Yeok (deceased)

Best friend (1): Go Ka Rin---18 years old---Happy and go-lucky. We have a strong, stable friendship. Even though she doesn't get to hang out as much our friendship doesn't go down.

Best friend (2): Kang Ji Young---18 years old---Friendly and talkative. We communicated a lot and always hang out.

Best friend (3): Nam Seo Min---19 years old---Quiet and bookish. Even so, she is personally my favorite. 



Your mind keeps fluttering and you can picture yourself  vividly….you can remember Chan Cho Yu very well, like:

Personality: I am sometimes a quiet person but I am not dull and dreary. My mind speaks the loudest but my mouth prevents my reckless, wild ideas from spreading or doing something foolish. Generally, I am... or was a kind person. With my creative and artistic mind, I tend to explore things in my own way, by music and arts. I don't play by the rules so no one expects me to obey them. I am not a good girl but not that bad either, not the goody-goody mama's girl type and not the alcoholic, ty type. I am more of a quiet rebel. At times I can be very masochistic, against my own will. The pain is what I love to endure and feel, and now the cuts don't hurt anymore. If I am with new people who gives me a good first impression by their greetings, I am charismatic and friendly but if they are cold I will be too. I take meaningless things to the heart and I get emotionally hurt easily. Sadness and rage can be very overwhelming for me, and I need someone to depend on at these weak times.

"I wish I had my…"

Sketchbook, canvas, pencil, eraser, paintbrushes and watercolors






Friends, family and boyfriend 

"I hope they don't have..

Boring people

Hard beds

Granny underpants


Slimy showers

Mouldy places 


"I used to…

share drawings and stargaze in my boyfriend's arms, climb trees, hang out with my best friends at the beach and compose music before I came here…"


     The longer you examined this new person and the old you, the old Cho Yu seemed like she would slip away. After all…you were given a new name. Now you were Lexi. So that meant this was your new life…


As reality engulfed you, you thought more about life before this…prison for the crazy and the innocent. 

"Lexi, What're are you doing baby?" said a voice from afar…that was the voice of your master...


His name was Chen.

 You turned back to look into his face…why was he attractive to you? He was a satyric after all.

His enchanting, almost hypnotizing voice drew me in. Those dark, glinting pupils of his were mysterious and wicked, a thing I liked secretly. As much as the thought of him disgusts me, there was no denying I was when he was bare. His physical appearance was just as appealing as his mental one, even though he was crazy. His masochistic trait is similar to mine and in a way it was strangely seductive.

His face appeared in the mirror, as he gave a seductive smile. He caged you in; infront of the mirror, with his arms on either side of you…in case you tried to escape. 

"I waited patiently for you, you should reward me…" he said hotly into your ear; trimmers shook your small stature compared to the male next to you.

He loves to go very rough and it takes a long time until he is satisfied. Although strange for a man like him, he likes to roleplay and be creative. He doesn't uses toys because he likes to please himself in a more direct way. Every day and night I end up with stinging bruises and sometimes I can't even walk. He doesn't hit me and teases me until I beg for it. He is very posessive and when I am released I sometimes notice him glaring at me.

optional:"Should we invite another EXO guy?" Tao, Lu Han, Suho and Kris

And then you answered:


He shot me a demonic, reckless smile before he leaned forward menacingly, his lips like a wolf about to devour his prey. "Good to know."

Before you knew it…he had touched you…and there was no escaping…


     Cell Freedom

When Chen allowed you to go back to your room…you bumped into someone on the way. You remembered his face---he was nice to you.


They called him Gwak Min Jun.


He was a psychologist in training. He was one of the nicest people to you, other then the other dolls.


"Hello Cho Yu! Do you want to hang out?"

He would sneak out with me and take me out to the mall. Although I didn't like to, he always insisted on buying me something. It wasn't like I didn't want to buy anything; it was just that Chen would've found out about my doings. To keep our friendship safe from Chen we usually just arranged a simple snack at a shop.


But suddenly you heard a booming voice from behind you. You turned half-frightened because he sounded angry.

"---Get over here!" he drags you aside. You didn't see him glare as he turned the two of you back down the hall towards his cell.

As soon as he locked the door you were thrown upon the bed

"Who the is he?" he asked while you answered 

"A friend," 

When I got kidnapped and taken to the asylum, the first person I saw was him. He  took goodcare of me before you chose me. He helped me when I was weak. When I-" He interrupted rudely.

"Did I tell you you could have friends?" when did he ever tell you you couldn't? You shook your head

"Stay away from him," and you just knew life here would be hell. You cursed the day you came to Black Apple Asylum.


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