Dramas.. in fics.

It's been a long time since I updated... in here. Whether it's my AFF Profile, Stories, Poster Shops, Trailer Shop etc. Sorry people. I just kept procrastinating and writer's block is always there, right in front of me. Plus whenever I write stuff, it's an automatic deletion since I don't think I do good stuff anymore, of something cutesy or likeeee any sort of creative. I'm just stuck. gaaaaaaahhhh 

I reaaaally need to grab my style back, cause I've really lost it this time, due to not writing anything at all for quite a few months, I feel kinda lost. I feel like someone who barely knows English (though I'm completely in lovee with it..) when I'm writing. I wondered where did all of my creativity go? It was flooding back then. Why not now? My mind is always full of imaginitive things, why can't I express it in completely cool and awesome writing? 

No, really. Compare my fics before ( See The We Got Married Special , One of A Kind Love , Super SHINee, All About Variety . These are fics that I REALLY enjoyed spending time writing.) aaaand my fics now. Well, actually NOT my fics now, just my newest update, on 900 Days of Kisses aka Chapter 2. I feel like I've really downgraded and all and I feel frustrated for some reason. I don't know why, but I would become like, feel, really emo or just sad, or maybe just act like I'm sad when I'm immersed in writing. ONLY WHEN WRITING! I'm like super happy and giddy and all and all smiles but when I pick up my pen/keyboard and type/write away, I feel.. lonely. And it feels as if I'm the only one existing in this world, and like I AM the character I write in fics D8 And you all really don't know how I feel on sadness and negative emotions. They make me feel UGH SUPER MAD cause I don't like me being all sad and all unhappy and everything. 

LOL I don't even know what I'm trying to express here. 

I don't know, it just feels like I cannot write anything that would satisfy what I want to express in a certain story. The descriptions would sound weird, extremely weird grammar and I'd hate my limited vocabulary. I neeeeeed to find more awesome writers, like Sophie Kinsella (who I adore and admire! I love her books, caught me up straight away and I'm like forever immersed <3) and Susan Collins. SUSAN COLLINS THE WRITER OF THE HUNGER GAMES. I just, completely am in love with her writing style, she makes me feel as if I AM Katniss Everdeen and I could actually imagine all the action that was going on, clearly. That just, describes a great writer that I really want to be. But now, I seem to lack of English novels (that are coooooool like the Hunger Games) that I find interesting.... 

Okay this is really straight out of my point.. 

The thing is.. I want to try and write dramatic stuff. Dramas, in a fic, with of course, my lovely forever I love that has me dreaming beautifully in bed, Ontoria, but to make dramatic stuff happen, I'd actually have to separate Ontoria in my fics. And if you haven't noticed, there really hasn't been any drama at all (okay, maybe a wee tiny miny bit..) in my fics. Seeeeee : 

All About Variety - NOT drama. It's supposed to be action, and all and how they are supposed to survive in a reality game show that scares the hell out of them, thinking that they're going to be killed in the game show due to it's strict rules and everything. 

Super SHINee -gaaah OBVIOUSLY not drama. LOL it's about superheroes, saving the day, yadda yadda. Nothing interesting. 

One of A Kind Love - okay, here, A WEEEEEEE bit drama, but it's kind of all about Taemin's and Sulli's relationship getting closer with one another and realises that they actually do have feelings for one another. 

It's True Love - I am obviously super lazy to continue this. 

The We Got Married Special - COME ONNN YOU EXPECT DRAMA HERE? THINK BETTER! It's all cutesy stuff and couple fights. I'm still thinking of a way to differentiate it with something else.. 

900 Days of Kisses - I have lost my direction. It's like some sort of drabble to me now, when before, I actually had a storyline. A NICE, HAPPY, storyline. 

Soo you can seeeeeeee now? I'm thinking of actually using a pairing that I dislike as a couple, Lunew and Jongtoria and Sulho or something (Ssul + Minho). I don't exactly dislike Taestal btw. It's kind of a nice pairing LOL 
JUST SAYING HERE. I do ship all Shiny Effects, but there are certain pairings that I ship as a COUPLE and certain that I ship as a brother-sister relationship. For example, I'd like to think of Lunew and Jongtoria and Keystal and TaeNa and Sulho as something of brother-sister relationships. I seriously cannot think of them as a couple at all. 

Anyway, so expect a new fic and one shot on the cute BFFs trio (Changmin-Vic-Kyu) with the interference of Onew. 
See ya later! :P



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HAHAH LOL YOU ARE SO EPIC XD be yourself, and write what you want to~ are you kidding me? downgraded? no wayy, you still rock like heck! 900 days of kisses was one of my fave fics until YOU STOPPED UPDATING~! so you better update, okay, unnie? and WHAT IS WITH SULHO MANZXC. i forgave the minstal since it's so popular, but dont drag in sulho now or im permanently hating sulho >.< jkjk xD anwww, update soon, looking forward to your fics unnie^^ keep being hyper:D