Hello Baby ↬ Special Season 5 » MBLAQ - Application. ^-^


Before I start the application, can I just thank you for making this story. Author-sshi is so clever! -wishes she were as smart as you-
Mihihihi, sorry, I just love MBLAQ and Hello Baby and Asianfanfics and OMG, ASDFGHJKL, BEST STORY IDEA EVERRRRRR.

Yeah, I'll shut up now. xD



Name: Lee Kyu Mi. [Kyumi]
Nickname: Kimchi. c:
Date of Birth: 27th of December.
Age: 20.
Height: 159, she's a shorty. c:
Weight: 43 kg. She may appear underweight, but for her weight it's okay.
Appearance Name & Photos: Ulzzang Kim Shin Yeong.


Aish, where to begin with this girl?

Hm, well Kimchi is by far the best pranker to ever walk the earth. No matter where she is, or what she’s doing, her devious little minds always has something in planned for trouble. Trouble, yes, that’s a good way to describe her. She never gets in trouble though, because she’ll just whip up her famous ‘Aegyo Pout’ and problem solved.
Along those lines, Kimchi is really a hilarious person, who enjoys making others laugh. She is very loud and pretty much shameless. She loves doing random dances, jumping up and down like a maniac, and singing trot. Kimchi is also timid at the same time, so it takes her a lot of courage to put on the gags she does. She usually is very scared that people won’t like her, but in the end they do, but she always feels worried.

Kimchi is sensitive and a real drama queen. She can easily dramatize something, but never really on purpose. She possesses this innocence that her fans think are adorable. Behind the scenes, she’s your average teenage . [xD]\
Kimchi is also an aegyo queen, and she is not afraid to show of her aegyo. When it comes to being asked personally questions, she freezes. When being asked about love, her cheeks burn a bright red, and she giggles like crazy.
She has a thing for getting into trouble, but she sometimes likes to get in trouble. But then again, she is actually a really sensitive person, who can cry at the drop of a pin. D:

Kimchi gains a lot of fans because of her funny attitude towards life. She doesn’t really take things seriously, because she is sick of being pushed around by words that are said by haters. Kimchi is also an imaginative thinker, who is always pitching wild ideas.
Kimchi is SNSD’s maknae, and she and Sunny rule the world as aegyo queens!! Kimchi is more like an aegyo princess though, because she is younger than Sunny.

Kimchi is extremely shy around new people, especially boys. On reality shows, she has to act like a professional and not be so quiet, but it’s hard for her. She really loves reading manga, and can always be seen with a manga comic in her hand. In Mir’s room is Kimchi and Mir’s manga collection. [Kimchi didn’t have room to leave them in her room. And it’s weird when Mir is at SNSD’s dorm. xD]

That’s confusing, I’ll explain.
Kimchi knows MBLAQ because her older step-brother is a part of the group. Cheondoong is her step-brother. When Cheondoong made his debut with MBLAQ, Kimchi went to support her brother. She met Mir there. They bonded really quickly and have been friends ever since. c:

Kimchi tends to spend her time with MBLAQ, and usually with Mir. Mir and Kimchi are like two peas in a pod. THEY’RE INSEPARABLE. Kimchi likes Mir, but sometimes she feels like she likes him more than a friend.
Kimchi really loves marshmallows, and there must always be marshmallows around, or she’ll make you go buy some! Her favourite kind are mini marshmallows. c:


• Her obsession is manga. Especially Naruto. c:
• Jokes, she loves to tell and hear them.
• Mucking around.
• Pulling pranks. *evil grin*
• Doing aegyo.
• Rapping. Despite her soft voice, she can rap pretty good.
• Eating. nomnomnom. ^-^
• Magic tricks.
• Video games.
• Making others laugh.
• Funny things like toys, DSi, rubix cube, and weird glasses.
• She often wears her pair of 3D glasses that are missing their lenses. xD
• Eating kimchi, but surprisingly doesn't like other spicy food.
• Her iPhone.
• Speaking in English to annoy Mir. xD
• Being friends with MBLAQ.
• Meanies.
• Cold days.
• Injections. *shivers*
• Boring people that do not know how to have fun. T_T
• Vomit.
• Bugs...spiders...ants...everything... *faints*
• Rapping and writing raps.
• Speaking English.
• Cooking, well baking.
• Photography. You can always find random pictures hung up around her house. From trees to ice-cream to selcas.
• Being as cool as a berry. ;]
• Telling jokes.
• Reading manga and watching anime.
• Playing video games, and kicking !!
• Screaming and shouting when she's excited.
• Blushing too much. :3
• Eye smiles whenever she says 'annyeong'.
• Having a constant aegyo that doesn't seem to switch off.
• Taking selcas.
• Randomly dancing, it's really awkward. xD
• Making jokes but ends up making fun of herself.
• Being a socially awkward penguin. o_o
• Puckering her lips while eating.
• Puffing her cheeks when she is concentrating.
• Taps her fingers together when she's nervous or anxious.

Relationship with the kids: Kimchi relates herself to children a lot. She is somewhat scared that the kids won't like her, but somewhere inside she  feels like they may love her. Kimchi is also scared that raising children will be a difficult task and especially multicultural children!! She really loves kids though, and at the end of the day, she will always end up caring the most. In reality though, kids hate her. [xD] She can relate to Joon, with the kids not liking her and all. She sometimes gets hurt when Mir pays his attention to the babies instead of her; she feels abandoned. All in all, Kimchi is actually quite good at taking care of kids, it just took some time before they wanted to warm up to her.
Kimchi is really cute with children. She will always play with them, and with Kimchi's neverending energy level, she has the strength to keep up with them. She has a younger sister, who is only three, so taking care of children is not a big worry for her. Being on television...that's her biggest worry.
If a kid misbehaves, she tries her best to teach them the right thing. She learnt that taking care of children comes with a responsibility. Kimchi hates yelling at kids, because it makes her feel sick in the stomach. If she ever does something to one of the kids, she would feel pretty awful but avoid confrontation with the appas, ummas, and kids.
Kimchi thinks children are just too adorable! c:

Leo - Kimchi and Leo could get along really well. Being both troublemakers, they can prank the appas and stuff. ;D
Lauren - Kimchi is sweet like Lauren, and with their aegyo in the same house, all the other ummas and appas will be driven crazy.
Dayoung - She really trusts Kimchi, and is very open to her. Kimchi knows where Dayoung is coming from, and helps her open up to the rest of the ummas and appas.
Relationship with the partner/appa: Mir and Kimchi have been best friends ever since they could both remember. Despite their one-year age difference, Mir is like a dad to Kimchi. He is always telling her right from wrongs. Mir is also a little silly sometimes [ALL THE TIME], and so is Kimchi, so they get along very well. Kimchi teases Mir by calling him appa instead of oppa. [xD] She has been doing it before Hello Baby, but she decides to call him that on the show too. Mir doesn't mind Kimchi calling him that, so he calls her maknae, but then she calls him maknae too [which he is], and then after an awkward silence, they both break down with laughter. Kimchi and Mir have a lot of inside jokes, and most of them are related to the mangas they read. Mirchi [Mir + Kimchi], can be found reading mangas together, telling each other their daily stories, or having an argument over the last cookie in the cookie jar. o_o Mirchi have a complicated friendship, but at the end of the day they are always the best of friends. Cheondoong doesn't hate seeing his step-sister with Mir, but it sometimes gets on his nerves. Mirchi are two talkative people that need to learn to shut up. ;DD

With the other appas~
Seungho - Kimchi is sort of close with Seungho, she sometimes teaches him new English words and he teachers her how to sing. The singing part is a fail. >_< Kimchi calls Seungho "Ahjusshi". xDD Seungho and Kimchi like to eat together. nomnomnom. c:
G.O - Kimchi and G.O have really stupid and funny conversations. Mostly erted stuff is brought up in their talks. ;D
Joon - Joon and Kimchi get along pretty well, but they don't talk much because Kimchi finds Joon cute and it's hard for her to talk to cute guys. :3
Cheondoong - Er, Kimchi is Cheondoong's step-sister, so they are close as brother and sister should be. He sometimes worries about her hanging out with his weird hyungs and Mir. xD
Partner/Appa: Mir appa. ^-^

Group you're in: Can it be SNSD? Mihihi. c:
Position on the group: Main rapper and sub dancer. AND MAKNAE. ^-^

Sorry for all the smiley faces, I just really love MBLAQ and this story idea made me all giggly. c:


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Just would like to add that Kimchi is sweet, nice, and caring, especially towards Mir. c: