Talent Show: Danced to BEAST is the B2ST and Soom

Today was our school's talent show and I couldn't stay still through out the whole day! :O Like my friends and I were so pumped!  We kept hugging/touching each other and saying positive things before our turn(we were last :D)

When it was finally our turn I was so excited to perform! :D Like everytime our parts would come, the crowd would scream and cheer~ I smiled inside whenever I heard cheering at my parts and shiz ^^ Then at the end, we tied in first place with another girl with PERFECT SCORES!  How awesome is that?! ;D

One of the our friend/member's(Kiana) parents made leis for us and it was really pretty and nice of them :3 Then we kept getting compliments and stuff from teachers and other students~ My math teacher couldn't believe it was us up there and my social studies teacher said we were fabulous and couldn't believe that was us too.  Also, my chorus teacher said we were awesome and we improved a lot(we practiced in the chorus room and stuff)

Then when I went back to my advisory, I got a hug from Janae, a high five from Joelle, Connor said something about mah dancing(I don't remember what it was but it was a compliment), and Eli said it was awesome.  We got a lot of compliments and I'm stoked that everyone finally knows that we dance :3

Oh!  Also, when we were walking back to the band room to get our stuff, these sixth grade boys were holding the doors open to the band room and they clapped when we walked by ^^ The sixth graders also clapped when we went to go to the chorus room to give our chorus teacher a thank you present.

In Hip Hop class, the 7th graders that are in there said we were awesome and they said they were all like "Woah".

Ajajaja I feel so loved <3 Kiana's dad recorded it so we'll be posting it on Youtube soon :D My mom showed up too even though I never expected her to o0 (or didn't want to lolz)

I was so happy with our performance because we practiced it for SOOOOO long(not even kidding, like about five months) and we did AWESOME! :3 Yes, we messed up at times but it wasn't something major so it's all G~ Plus, people finally know that we dance!  I'm really happy about that! ^^


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E52-kimiko346 #1
ohh~ that's so cool~!
lol, made ya look. <br />
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jk, jk haha :D