Angels vs. Devils App ^^


Your Contact Info:

Username: tien1190 

Profile Link: click!!


Your character:

Full Name: Lee Min Young 

Nickname: Min Min 

Age: 22

Birthdate: 01-29-1990

Place of Birth: Houston, Texas

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Fleunt in Korean, English, and Japanese

Height: 181 cm 

Weight: 49 kg 



Personality: Mimi is a fun and happy girl. She will always have a smile on her face even if she is pissed or sad. She is lazy as heck and you would have to scream or threaten her if you want her to do something for you. She will do anything to get what she wants. She would threaten you if she has to but that is just to make you scared. She is outgoing and loves to party. She loves to party and she get's invited to every party from her friends because they say her immaturity and playfulness makes the party fun. She laughs at everything and anything funny. She laughs at any jokes and even the corny ones. She is very atheltic even though she is lazy as heck. She joins every team in school and tries her best to win every competition. She loves to talk with everyone. She doesn't care who she talks to as long as they talk to her back. She would talk to a stranger or even a lower social ranking then her because in her mind there is no such thing as a social ranking. Mimi has a very good temper but if you make a rude comment about one of her friends she would go off on you and  take all her anger out on you. She goes online a lot and she perfer Facebook over Twitter any day. She is very clumsy and she trips over anything that she doesn't see. She even trips over air sometimes. She can't go a day without falling down. When she falls down, she would laugh and than she would stand back up and act like nothing happened.



  • candy
  • singing
  • dancing
  • kpop
  • talking
  • shopping
  • friends
  • partying
  • her I-Pod
  • her phone
  • sports
  • Facebook 



  • bitter candy
  • sad people
  • mean people
  • being clumsy
  • clowns
  • shots
  • vegetable
  • blood



  • forgetting stuff easily
  • walking around in circles when she's nervous
  • blanking out when she's listening to someone
  • talking to someone and then leave before they can talk back
  • eating to much candy 



  • listening to music
  • singing
  • dancing
  • sports
  • talking to people
  • shopping
  • playing the piano
  • partying



  • Clowns
  • Shots
  • Running out of candy
  • Blood
  • Dogs  



  • favorite color is neon green
  • likes puppies but not dogs
  • never eaten a chili pepper before
  • she had braces when she was young
  • her ringtone is Hello by SHINee
  • She always has gum, choco pie, and pocky with her everywhere she goes 



Name of the Ulzzang: Jung Roo 

Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 

Back-up Ulzzang: Park Hyo Jin 

Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 

Clothing style: She would wear anything that fits her. She doesn't care if it's old or out of fashion, she would wear it as long as it fits her. She likes to wear shorts or skirts anytime and anywhere. She would only wear jeans when she needs to or when it is cold outside. She likes to wear shirts that has funny says or pictures on it because she loves it when people stop to read her shirt or look at the picture. 

Casual: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 

Formal: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4

Sleepwear: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Practice Wear: 1 || 2 



Stage Name: Mimi 

Position: Main Dancer, Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist

Fanclub Name: Smilers

Fanclub Color: Neon Green 

Persona: Smiling Party Queen 

What group do you want to be in?: 

How did she became a trainee?: She went to a singing contest because her friend signed her up without her knowing it. She sang her heart out because her friends said that if she wins then they will buy her candy for one whole month. She won first place and one of the judges was an SM scout and they asked her to audition but she rejected it. The SM scout was disappointed at first but then he gave her his card and said, "Call me if you change your mind." She went back to her friends and they saw what happened and asked why she rejected him and she just said, "I didn't feel like it." Then they bribed her with candy again and then she went to the audition a few weeks later. 

Trainee Life: It was difficult for Mimi at first because she had to deal with training and school at the same time. She would come to the traing late and she would always leave the trainging room late for how many minutes she missed. She had fun talking to the other trainee's and she made some friends there to. She loved her trainee's day because she learned a lot of new stuff that she never even knew before and she made friends.

Trainee Years: 2 years 

Any Experience?: Actor, model, and did CF's





Lee Kyung || 40 || He works as a doctor. She has a good relations ship with her dad but he spoils her a lot.
Lee Min Young || 39 || She works as a nurse. She has a good relationship with her mom but she  babies her too much. 

Sibblings: Cathy and Sungmin

Family Background: Her family was always rich because her dad was a famous doctor along with her mom. Mimi never acted like a spoiled rich kid but she got everything she wanted. She never acted like a rich kid around anyone because she hates the rich kids that she hangs around with. They would never get down and dirty and have fun while Mimi would always have fun getting dirty. Her parents loves her very much but they love her younger sister, Cathy, more because she is the youngest. They adore her and her sister very much especially her dad. Her dad spoils her while her mom babies her. She doesn't see her parents that much because they're always busy with their job but when she see them she would make it worth while along with her younger sister.



Friends: Super Junior members and Girl's Generation members 

Bestfriends: Donghae, Sungmin, Taeyeon, and Hyoyeon 

Rival(s) and Why?: None 


Love Life:

Love interest: Eunhyuk 

His Personality: Eunhyuk is a "bad-boy". Well he tries to act like one. He likes to be one because he wants to be cool to other people. But deep down inside he is actually a goodie two-shoes. He likes to help other people when he could because he would feel guilty that he didn't.

How you meet: SM's trainees

Back-up Love Interest: Donghae 

His Personality: Donghae is from the band Super Junior. He shy when you just meet him but when you get to know him his is the sweetest guy you can ever meet. He is competitive and he would try to win in anything. He is a loving guy that likes to be out going and he would do anything he can to win something.

How you meet: SM's trainees



Other Informations about the character:

Ideas for the story:




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