Upcoming Stories.

Upcoming stories.

First Story.
Title: Begging To Leave.

Tags: Violence, , Drama and Angst
Characters: Jonghyun, Minho, You and Seunghyun.
Plot: Feeling scared and trapped by the person that you use to love.

Second Story.
Title: Selfishness.
Tags: Depression, Romance, Drama, Angst and Violence.
Characters: Jonghyun, Minho and You.
Plot: Living with someone that hates their appearance.

Third Story.
Title: Victim's Blood Prints.
Tags: Guilt, Romance, Drama, Angst and Depression.
Characters: Jonghyun, Minho and You.
Plot: Hiding something so big in your heart.

Fourth Story.
Title: Terminators Contract.
Tags: Violence, Guilt, Romance and Angst.
Characters: Jonghyun and You.
Plot: Protecting someone till the end.
(Haven't really thought of a plot.. yet)



Other stories in mind.

Title: My bruised body proves it all. (No plot..yet.)

Title: Embarrassed of my love. (No plot.. yet)

Title: Playing with my love.


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