Not long ago, I made a hypothesis about blogpost readers. In my opinion all blogpost readers will not read until the very last word in a blogpost like myself.

So I've been posting my blogpost putting WOW FATASTIC BABY” on the bottom for quite some times now. 

I've been waiting for someone to prove my hypothesis wrong.

And with my #95 blogpost, somebody actually notice that WOW FATASTIC BABY  is being WRONGLY SPELT.


smileysgoboing [block]  on 4-29-2012 17:14:48 says:

By the way, you spelt fantastic wrong.


Therefore, the conclusion that I can make out of my observation is NOT EVERY SINGLE BLOGPOST READERS READS THE BLOGPOST UNTIL THE VERY END. But it also prove that NOT EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS THE SAME. So, my hyopothesis was not completly accepted.

So I'll change it now. (:



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kolmilyo #1
i never really try to correct anything here but i do read each blog post to the last word but the thing is i understand that not everybody here is native english speaker so i let it past. the grammatical errors, the misspellings, etc. sometimes typographical errors the way i usually make mistakes. i'm dyslexic so letters are quite hard for me to fully notice. i'm a figure reader rather than syllabic one.
so there you can add another theory on this one but yeah, good that you like to experiment on social behaviors.
i like people with curious minds.
tbh i noticed that since way before but i never tell you so ~~ lalalala