Fatal Attractions Application Form


User Name: Zero-Sanity

Name: Park Xiu Min
Age: 2O
Birth Date: 10/30/92
Ethnicity: Chinese/Korean
Hometown: Hong Kong, China

Personality: Xiu Min is very queit and keeps to himself. He has a poker face on most of the time, making him not very expressive. When he talks, its usually in a whisper or murmur. You can really only hear his voice when he sings or raps. He is very passionate about his dream and takes it seriously. He gets flustered easily but doesn't show it. Despite his appearance, he is very positive and likes to think of happy things when he becomes sad. It takes a long time for him to warm up to people but when he does he will show his emotions more often.

Family Background: His father passed away when he was 6. His mother took care of him as a widow since then. He grew up silent, and without a father. His aunt and uncle moved in with them when he turned 15, bringing Yin Siu with them. When he turned 17, he moved back to Korea to go chase after his dream and left his family members alone at home. (His father is Korean so he knows some Korean, learning from his mother.)
Family Members: Mother, deceased father, cousin, caring aunt and uncle.



Friends (max of 3): He kept to himself for his whole life, so he has barely any friends besides his groupmates and his best friend.

Best friend (1): Sai Chen. A boy he grew up with for his whole life and now lives in America to study in the medical part for college.

Stage Name: X
Persona: Queit, poker face, devil.
Position (I'll choose the leader myself): Rapper.
Personal Fan club (optional): X-amples

Extras (things I missed): He hates crowded areas, and is listening to music half the time when people are talking.


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