The Introduction

Me and my friend were in science, learning about the stars. (Oh, so many stars!) and we both decided to make this account. Originally it was made for me but we are going to join minds and use this account together!

 I am the person sharing the account and you can see my friend had already introduced herself in the paragraph above! She's the smarter one and also the taller one. I'm just as clueless as a coconut but I'm managing! Fighting!

We're mainly going to read and comment but if we're bothered we will attempt a story or fanfic

Just so people don't get confused, The one in the grey/ silver writing is Elle and I in the red/ BLOOD writing am Hikari Yuki! If you have time, please give us a review or critique on our works because it would really help us imporve. (We're both really dopey so please don't be hard on us). Also, Our nicknames are Stupid and Stupider -- Elena is Stupid and I, Hikari Yuki am Stupider.

Unfortunately I'm not good with words so I got completely nothing else to say. I'm going to stop and learn something to hopefully pass the test.

We're still in Science class and yet the teacher still has no idea of what we're typing about (He he he) and hopefully he won't give us a detention-- Uh-Oh, we're caught! !!!!!!!!!!!crying


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