in five years, according to this Facebook app I tried out. So that's five years to create the perfect love story between me and Tabi before I walk down the aisle and into his arms as his bride. 

I'm sorry did I just make you gag? LOL...

I wanted to compensate for the emo-ness I posted last night by revealing to you my delusional side (as if you're not yet aware of it) and making a fool out of myself. 

I want to direct you to certain crazy points on this so-called prediction. The wedding date there is actually four days after my birthday. Eighteen is a very auspicious date for Asians because 8 is considered a lucky number.

Honeymoon will only be for eight days. My groom and I must have pretty busy careers by then. Only eight days for the actual honeymoon vacation? And it'll be in Singapore too...pretty close and easy to travel to for those living in Asia. Busy, busy, busy... Celebrities perhaps? OTL

What bugs me is the arranged part. Seriously? Maybe it's really Arranged by heaven. Orchestrated by fate. Planned by destiny. hahahaha...

Also...five years...doesn't the time line sound familiar? *cough* Resistance is Futile *cough* NO? Okay fine, I was just trying my luck...kekeke~

At least tell me this was a bit funny. NO? 

Ohkay...*hides in a corner facing the wall* *mumble,mumble,mumble*

Thanks for being SOOOO SUPPORTIVE guys...*mumbles*


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mylizalife #1
Aah.. the cute you is back! lil bit worried because of your last blog post :))
Unnie! When I first saw this in my friends' blogs list, my initial reaction was: "oohh, another fic!"

Obviously I was wrong XD

5 years. Patience is a virtue lol.
Let's bargain for you unnie, make it 2 years!
jenli98 #3
OMG when i read the title i thought you were actually getting married lol..
You scared me
lmao eonni =))))) this cracked me up/out =)))) I like your interpretation =))))))))))))))