Today, instead of having physical education for period 5, we had a presenation about how to maintain a healthy and stress-free body and to help students focus more in class and to acheive good grades with a positive mood. This guest speaker said he had cured a man who has an injured back from weight-lifting and that man had to crawl. He helped the man eat better with the right food and now that once buff man, was able to work out again! 

Now here are some things you SHOULDN'T do:

  • Avoid sugary drinks like soda - Coke, Sprite, C-plus.
  • Avoid white foods - white bread, salt, potatoes.

Here are the things you SHOULD do.

  • Exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes minimum. 
  • Drink 20 ounces of water when you get up in the morning. Which is 600mL in 2 1/2 cups. 
    Squeeze some lemon into it if you're trying to lose weight.
  • Eat food with fibre before each meal. 
  • Eat beans, nuts or fruit as your snack.
  • Get a 9 - 12 hour sleep.

To get rid of stress:

  • Stretch in the morning or go for a jog/walk in the neighbourhood.
  • Sit with your back straight (mostly when you're at your computer, to avoid stress on your back and shoulders.

You can follow this if you want but I wrote here so it's easier for me to remember and not forget! ^^ 
There were supposed to be more information but I forgot them.. :/


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