I Almost Cried


I'm So inspired right now. Even though it happened hours, it still has affect on me. Even though this teacher isn't one of my favorite, 'for sure' she inspired me to work harder. When she was giving us one of her lectures, I almost cried, well I was crying but I tried not to. he.

Well since it was the last day till the end of the quarter, and you couldn't make up science or history durning summer she was telling us to turn in our work and stuff by 1pm. And you know how it's like the second quarter and in 8th you could get retained? Well in where I live if you don't get a good grade, statisticly you're not going to past. Well she told us that they had a meeting with all the teachers on whether to pass the student or not. Yeah like WTH. Their doing that now?! My teacher was like that too. She told us they all had votes on whether to pass the failing/ bad graded students or not. (of course I hope i'm not on there, I'm a straight 'A' student.)

Skip. Skip. Well yeah, so she told us that if you had like a D or F you're statisticly not going to pass the 8th grade. Then she went on like : I hope you can prove that I'm a liar. Prove all the teachers that they are all liars. ... (she said more) I didn't get it at first, but when I finally got, I was like wow. (try to understand me here)

 And there was parent conferences. This is the sad part. (where I was about to cry) She told us that she had a conference with one of the student and the parent. 8th Students and parents, Teachers, counslers, etc. was in one room. She told us that a students mom brought everyone in the room to tears. Even the grown men.

The Mom was saying like you don't even know my story. Her husband died because he tried to cross the border trying to give his family a good life and kids a good education. O.o  and  this is how he repays his dad!  (my thoat dried up at this) and soo on....

There was some students messing around in the front and she put one of them on the spot.

Student: Well I got stright A's I don't need to worry

teacher: Doesn't matter, your behavior is showing differently.  you're mom is fight for you to be here and this is how you're acting!

Student: Well she got papers

Teacher: Well she's fighting to keep those paper!


(back to that story)


Yeah it's sad. But You're not getting the point. Soo on...

She was telling us about how if we don't pass, we're going to independent student for the rest of the school year. 1 teacher the whole day. And if you don't pass. Well you're getting kick out from the school. Since it's a charter school, you can't come back! You can't go to any of the neighborhood schools. In fact, you can't go to any of the school in the same district! Crazy right?


Okay I know it doesn't make sense but try to understand okay?

And if you want to know our school history check out of school website.

Name: Gompers Preparatory Academy

We have to wear uniforms :P


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Really that happened. If I was that persons mom I would've smacked him/her
I can understand that cause i went to a charter high school.