FATE Application





Profile Link:




Yoon Eun Hye











 Home Town:

 Incheon, South Korea


Laguages Spoken:

·         Korean(fluent)

·         Chinese(conversational )

·         English (Coversational)


Do you want any magic powers:




Healing powers

Mind control





Eunhye Is a quite one, people misunderstand her for being an ice princess but she I just a bit shy, awkward and doesn’t know how to start conversations. It might take some time for you to really get through to her and understand the real her but once you do you see she is sweet, fun, innocent, caring and really positive.  She is polite and well manner and she is the one that tries to get other out of trouble when they get into it. She is passionate and Loves what she does and put all her heart into what she is doing but sometimes she becomes a perfectionist and over works herself. She  is good at solving problems she takes everyone’s point of view, She never take side because she knows  that will only make problems worst, She hates feeling useless so she tries her best to always do something to help out others. She Get is hurt a bit too easily kind of sensitive and takes criticism really hard, sort of insecure but she tries her best not to be. She is a smart observant girl, she always loves learning new things and always thinks twice before jumping into any conclusions also she is very curious and loves to asked question. She is Encouraging, a good advice giver and she is a good sport and does get always happy for other peoples wins and always congratulates them. She is very creative and has a vast imagination, she sometimes had her heads in the clouds and day dreaming but most of the time she is well aware of reality. She is Gentle and caring and is polite and sincere. She could never hurt a fly, ever raise your voice; never let someone pass her without a smile on their face. She doesn’t like Troubling people and is very independent and she likes her identity and she is not the type to try hard to blend in with the crowd. Another thing she hates are rude people who only think about themselves, she is not the type to act out when she is angry rather she avoids the people that get her off all together to avoids any conflict. She is they kind of person who would never turn her back on a person in need. A Clam, sweet gentle girl who is usually the voice of Reason and nag everyone to do what right that is a good way to sum her up.



Child Hood History:

After leaving heaven was in an orphanage for about four years, she was still a bit sorrow and down all the time because the lack of love she got at the orphanage, her being a two year old and all she need all the love in the world but didn’t get it until after two years when she was four a nice young couple who weren’t able to have kids saw Eunhye and the immediately fell in love for the fragile an cute little girl. After being adopted she was given so much love and was kind of spoiled. They were over protective of her but yet gave her everything she needed and she wasn’t ungrateful so she never asked for anything more then they give her because she knows that they had the good heart to adopt her and give her love and that was what was important to her. EunHye was kind of that cute girl on the block guys would pick on but secretly liked and this caused many girls to be jealous of this sweet beauty. She wasn’t a social girl and she was often bullied by the jealous girls but she never paid much attention to them. She I was the little girl who was in her own world. She would read, draw and do other quite activities when she had free time. Her parents saw that she had talent in the arts so they sent her to sing lessons and piano lessons She spent almost all her life in Incheon, went to school there was top of her class at the end of high school and had extremely good grades that got her into Seoul National University for a major in literature and a minoring in the arts at the age of 17. She first discover her healing powers at age 12 during a class trip, One of her close friends had passed out from a heat . EunHye was the only one around and had panicked and realized that if she didn’t do anything her best friend her only friend would die, in the middle of her tear and panic her powers had healed and recover the girl and then when her friend asked how and what happened EunHye also realized she had the power to control the girl mind and tell her not had happened. After this she had started wondering about her past and who her real parent were and where they were from and she had never found out but as time went on Eunhye had learned how to control her powers and use them when needed , she likes using the healing power more the mind control.

















Horror movies



Rude people



Too much aegyo








Listening to music





Hiccups when nervous

Talks in sleep

Puffs out cheeks when confused

Plays with figure when she is talking to someone she likes

Blanks out and not listens if she’s bored

Blushing a lot

When she is angry she keeps quite




She writes Stories, poems and songs

She has read 7,000 books since she was 10

She is a picky eater

She had an obsession with Dramas

Her favorite colors are Pink and White

She likes to listen to classical, R&B, and Soft pop

Other Talents:

Singing [1]

Piano  [1]



Gentle Princess  




Family Members         

Yoon Sung Hyun / 49 / Doctor / Father: He is overprotective and only wants the best for EunHye. He is kind of quiet and sometimes doesn’t know how to express his love but in the end EunHye knows how much he loves her and how much he does for her

Yoon Hee Su / 46 / Housewife / Mother: She is also overprotective but she likes to try and spoil EunHye. She loves giving EunHye Lots of attention and she loves to talk with EunHye and help her with problems, she is a Mother and a Best friend in a way.


Rich / Poor / Middle Class


First Choice: Kim SungKyu

Second Choice: Lee HoWon

How do you want him to be like around you?

At first he seem serious and cold toward her but slowly she starts breaking through to him and he as well does the same and soon she starts to like him and later h does as well. He was quiet and reserved and had an unapproachable aura, he was the first to go up to her but she still was a bit scared of him. Later on they opened up a bit and started to get really close and sometimes there would be some skin ship as well ;) He as well is very protective of her and wouldn’t let anything or anyone hurt her.



Jung Eunji / Student / 19 /:They met at the universities and Eunji is sort of the only girl she talks to there, They are not really that close but they do hang out when they have the chance.


Best Friend(s):

Choi Sooyeon / Student / 18/: Eunhye’s Dongsaeng and her closet friend. They know ALMOST everything about each other and were inseparable until EunHye moved away for college.   





Ulzzang/Idol Name:

Kim Seuk Hye 


Pictures:  [1]  [2]  [3] [4]  [5]



Back-Up Ulzzang/ Idol Name: 

Kim Shin Yeong


Back-up Pictures:  [1] [2] [3]



If one day, some strange guys came to you and asked you to come with them because they need your help, how would you react like?


If one day some strange guys come up to me and asked me to follow them and that they needed I would be a bit scared and unsure and maybe say no because i didn't know who these guys are or if they wanted to hurt me or not but if they were really despartate for this help and they showed it i would help then because i'm not the type to turn my back on people in need of help 




Any comment/suggestions/questions?:

Nope none at the moment (: just please tell me if there is anything wrong~


Do you guys prefer reading some in the story: [Yes]


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