Surveeey from Sevvy! XD

Starting time: 23:52 Midnight and I have big test tomorrow at 8 AM :( but I still can’t sleep, yet I browse more and try to answer next question :P

Name: Lunaire, but you can call me Luna.

Brother(s): yep, have 2 younger brothers

Sister (s):  No, I always wondering how is the feel to have my own sister, but some people do feel like real sister to me

Eye Color:  Black

Shoe size: 7.5(I really look at my shoes, since here we used cm, so it’s around 38 cm)

Hair: Pure black and waving. LOL. I love my hair.

Piercings: No, I’m scared of needle.

Height: I'm 5'6"! or 168 cm, GAH! We used cm here!

What are you wearing right now: white t-shirt and short pant, I want to sleep okay :P

Favorite number/s: NINE!!! But I like 3 too, and 1. Okay, as long as it 3, 1 and 9 :D

Favorite drink: water. Mango juice, apple juice, lechy juice, orange juice and tea!

Favorite month: September


-Have You Ever-

Broken a bone: no

Been in a police car: no

Fallen for a friend: yes, don’t blame me! I need to know people first to fall in for them

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Yes! Hahaha.. it just a short crush.

Swam in the ocean: Never, I can’t  swim, but I always fly across the ocean, by airplane, hahaha XD

Fallen asleep in:always in my bed, I can’t sleep in chair :(

Broken someone’s heart:I think yes. Don’t wanna talk about it.

Cried when someone died: Yes. It’s a sad thing ever happened,

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Errr.. not all night, just a few hours then got tired of waiting and go to sleep.

Saved e-mails:  Of course, I like to save “prove”. hahahaha

Been cheated on: TWICE! Or more *shut up my mouth*



Your room is like: simple, got some book, quite neat and comfy.

What is right beside you: My big teddy bear.

What is the last thing you ate: Chicken! I just had dinner  :3

What time did you wake up today: 8 AM, hahahaha I was late for work :P


-Ever Had-

Chicken pox: No

Sore throat: Yep.


Broken nose: No.


-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight:Yes, I’m a hopeless romantic girl L

Like picnic: YES!!! BIG YES!! FOOOOOOOODD <3



Did you last yell at: Errr… I don’t even remember, never like yelling.

Who was the last person you danced with:With my own self? LOL. I don’t dance.

Who last made you smile: Err.. who? I don’t remember.. but I just found my self easily smile. LOL.

Who were the last 5 people you texted:my best friend, my brother, my mother, my workmate.


-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now: Err… Vengaboys? LOL.

What did you do today: It’s already new day, past midnight, so I guess answering this question? LOL.

Diamond or pearl: Diamond, because they have been under hard pressure to be this beautiful. So, beauty is painful? LOL

Are you the oldest: Yes, hahaha

Indoors or out doors?Err… I like outdoors such as sitting at park, watching sunset or sunrise, but nowadays I spent a lot at indoors.


-Today did you-

Talk to someone you like: Idon’t have anyone I “like” like “like” LOLOLOL

Kiss anyone: NO, hahaha :P

Sing: Just before I write this, in my bathroom :P

Talk to an ex: Rare, I just don’t like to talk.

Miss someone: My family, since I live alone.

Eat: nope, it’s still 00:12 AM!!!


-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone:My brother

Made you cry: JIYONG!!!! Gah!! That fic should have happy ending!!

Went to the movies with: My best friends, last movie hunger games :P

You went to the mall with: myfriend, just hang around and have some meals/

Who cheered you up:Everyone around me, I’m just so blessed to have this all kindest people around me :D


-Have you-

Been to Mexico: No

Been to USA: No.



What books are you reading right now: TOEFL ibt preparation, hahahaha XD

Best feeling in the world: Happy, satisfaction and confident.

Future kids names: Ryu or Alyssa

Do you sleep with a stuffed animals: Yes! My teddy bear!!

What’s under your bed: floor. LOL.

Favorite sport(s):Basketball, table tennis, volley, I don’t know else.

Favorite place(s):Something quiet, like my own room, library, café, park, and I think I love beach as well.

Who do you really hate: Don’t have one, it’s a waste of time.

Do you have a job: BIG YES!

What time is it now?: 00:18 AM! Finally I can go to bed now :P


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