update on this...author lol

ok so i am sitting in math class after finishing a quiz so there was nothing to do. Anyway i wanted to tell you all that i do plan on trying to get a chapter up on Who's There? I mean i was working on it last night. the only reason i stopped working on it until now had been because i didnt know what else to write about SHINee and i was confused but thanks to Corina's stories (her username is xxiicorina....well i think lol) but anyway after reading her stories i had more of an idea about to write and tada! lol also, school will be getting out soon which means i will most likely be on hiatus unless the principal lets us keep our laptops....or unless i manage to run away with mine. XD so there is that. one last thing on my long weird blog is that i am excited for today! i get to have kinda like a birthday party!! i plan on running through the malll and freaking people out by like singing kpop or something lol its gonna be fun! ok i am done blabbing now. thanks Chingus and Diamonds for reading this! Saranghae! <3


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