Honey~A Application - Dhee-licious


Name: Hyeong Seo Min or Seo Min Lefebvre <-- Only used by family and relatives

Nickname(s): Seomie, Min Min

Stage name: Seo Min

Birth Place: Lille, France

Date of Birth: July 11 1991

AFF Username: Dhee-licious

AFF profiile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/28566

Age: 19 turning 20




She's Half-Korean and Half-French. She's very easy to be around and friendly towards everyone. She loves to be active and people are very easily drawn to her because of the 'happy vibe' they get from her.
She likes to help people with their problems, not because she's nosy but because she really does care and want them to be happy. She doesn't get angry easily but when she does she can be very serious and won't back down from an argument, she usually ends up crying afterwards. She loves designing, music and
modelling. She plays the piano and violin. She also loves the colour pink.


She loves fashion and if her friends don't look well, she'll end up fixing their clothes. She's a straightforward person and always speaks the truth. She always comments on how someone is dressed, making people think she judges easily but it's just a habit of hers. As she says, 'It's never the person I'm judging but the clothes they're wearing.'

Although she may seem girly, she's really good at sports like, volleyball and basketball. She plays during her free time, making her quite fit and healthy. She also loves photography and takes pictures whenever she has a chance to. She has a scrapbook full of photos from the start of her career to present day. This may all seems like she's totally dumb but she loves to read and she used to travel with her family when she was younger so she learned a lot during that time. She learned how to speak English, Korean and French.

She can never leave home without extra CLOTHES, her phone, camera & scrapbook and some sort accessory that's 'in fashion' at the moment.


Family Background: Her Mother is Korean and her Father is French. She has two older siblings, Ji Hoo and Ae Rin. Ji Hoo was born in South Korea but raised in France. Ae Rin and Seo Min were born in France, that's how the two of them are paler skinned than their brother, but when Seo Min was 5 they moved back to South Korea.


When she was 10 her parents had to go back overseas to support all the fees and they were left with their Grandparents. Ji Hoo was 16 at this time and he had already started college early. He was not around often but came every so often to check up on his two sisters. Ae Rin, who was 13 at the time, was growing into her rebellious stage. She never listened to anybody and was quite stubborn.

Seo Min got some of her traits from them two but she was more of the 'Angel' child. She never agreed to being called that and she hated it. To show her rebellious side she would throw tantrums and scream at her siblings, she stopped after a while because she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it up.

Her parents often came back once a year to give them a trip either to England, America etc. They all learned different languages due to their trips. She found her love for music when she got her first piano. She taught herself how to play and later on got lessons for violin. Her whole family was very talented, Her parents could sing very well, her brother could rap and her sister could dance any type of dance. She got her talent from her brother and he was proud of that but she could also sing and dance very well.


Rich or not?: Neither, Middle-Class

Older brother/sister: Non-Idols

Brother - Lefebvre-Hyeong Ji Hoo - Age - 25



Sister - Lefebvre-Hyeong Ae Rin - 23




Younger brother/sister: NONE



How were you discovered?: 

She was performing in a talent show during college. She was dancing with a group but then she did a solo where she sang, rapped and danced. She was scouted by JYP PD to become a trainee. At first she was reluctant to agree but she knew this could be her last chance. She was slow to catch up on lessons and so she gave up college for a while and focused on becoming an Idol.

Close to JYP Pd or Sooman pd?: JYP PD~

Did you ran away before?: Tried to but failed

Trainee years: 3 Years


Positions: Jack Of All Trades (Singing, Dancing and Rapping) OR Main Rapper & Eternal Maknae 

Trivia: Blood Type: A

Fave Food: Kimbap

Fave Ice-Cream Flavour: Rocky Road

Fave Book: Through The Looking Glass Wars - Frank Beddor

Ideal Type: Handsome, Tall, Confident, Sweet, Romantic & Talented

Talents: Singing, Dancing, Rapping, Playing Piano & Violin, Sports

Fave Colours: Pink and Tan

Height: 178cm

Weight: 49kg



Her Dongsaeng(s) and/or unnies
Playing Instruments
Being happy
Cute things
Sweet Comments eg. 'You look beautiful today' or 'You never have to try to look better than what you are.'
Being Complimented
Banana Milk - Random, yes.



Being Angry
Being misunderstood
Dark Places
Showing her weak/angry side
Rude/Fake People
People comparing her to her siblings
Being known as her parents 'child'
Center-of-attention type of people
Ugly clothes







Playing instruments


Hanging out with members/friends/family/HIM

Collecting cute accessories



Throwing herself into other people's arguments

Fixing other people's clothes

Commenting on how people look

Fixing her own hair/makeup/clothes/accessories

Wandering off to shops with cute clothes/accessories


Offering Random High Fives

Cussing in English when really annoyed

Taking pictures of things she thinks are inspiring

Playing Piano notes on her lap or on a table etc.

Specialty?: Playing piano and violin, free-styling (both in dancing and rapping) and singing high notes


Friends: See the 'Lovers'


Minzy from 2ne1

Eunjung from T-Ara

Partner: Lee Jungshin - CN Blue

Just a GIF for an extra :D


Lovers: Pyo Ji Hoon (P.O.) - Block B


Yong Junhyung - BEAST/B2ST


Pets: Mr. Fluff

Favorite Kpop song: Girls - f(x) Chu~ and IU Someday and Train Ride

Boys - BEAST/B2ST Oasis and Fiction (I actually love all their songs) and Block B Freeze

Favorite Kpop group or idol: Girls - f(x)

Boys - Block B

Fashion: Dolled Up - 1 2

Casual - 1 2

Dorm Clothes - 1 2

Experience pre-debut:

MC Experience?: Hosted on Inkigayo and Music Core with Shin Woo (The current MC on Music Core or Music Bank)

Commercials: Sulli's Nana's B CF


IU's Samsung Galaxy CF



Ulzzang pics: 

Long Haired



Short Haired





Ulzzang name: Hana Reum Song Lee

Do you know where I can see pics of ulzzangs and their names? 

http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com <-- You can press the random button and you'll see a tag of their name

http://yeahuhljjang.tumblr.com/cyworlds <-- If you want their cyworlds

http://spamulzzangs.tumblr.com/ <-- just put /archive at the end to see all they have posted


Do you know the breed of this dog?:

I can't see the picture :<


Do you want us to name your fanclub or you will?: I will~


Honey~A fanclub suggestions: Bumble~B <-- Since we're Honey~A they are the bees?



Questions? Suggestions?: I hope you like my app! Please tell me if I have to change anything!



Plus points:

Heartbeat by 2PM during the Karaoke Thing - I hope that was the one you were looking for

Someday by IU - But he only danced during that duet.


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