My Favorite SNSD Members (but I love all of them) ♥

Okay. This is just my opinion. You don't need to bash me. :) Thanks.


1. Yoona

People always say she's always in the center, as if she's trying to steal the camera away from her fellow members. Well, that ain't true. Plus, she has a very big heart for her fans. Without her fans, she's nothing right now. I like her the way she is. She's not just a pretty girl but she also has this attitude.


2. Seohyun

I always look up to her everytime. She's cute, funny and gorgeous. She's quite smart, too. She's health conscious. I think she's a good role model for girls around the world. She's a perfect wife, too. [<<


I heart this girl. She's y, stunning, dashing and pretty in every way. She's funny, too! The reason why I don't like to watch Fashion King? I don't want to see her pretty face filled with tears. 

4. Taeyeon

TAENGOOO!!!! ♥ I find her so cute. She's a good leader. She's a good sister. A good daughter. I love her legendary ajumma laugh. I like her eyes best.

5. Jessica

She's a classy woman. She's the image of an independent woman. She's a good sister to Krystal,too. She always expresses her feelings and speaks her mind out. I like her sense of fashion. She's cute, too.

6. Tiffany

This girl is noisy at all times. Not only because she knows how to speak English and Korean effectively, but she doesn't run out of topics and stories. Maybe I won't get bored when I'm stranded in an island with her.

7. SooYoung

That hair flippin' chick! ♥ She's the tower amongst the girls. She looks good in any hairstyle or dress. She's the funniest member ever. She's the prankster of the group. I like her cheeks the most.

8. Hyoyeon

You got that SWAG, you got that ATTITUDE. Hyoyeon is so talented. For me, she's the most swaggish girl in the group. I see her as an image of the strong and determined girls around the world. I really admire her passion for dancing. I think she's married to dancing. XD

9. Sunny

One word for her : CUTE. She has this confidence, too. She's hardworking (based on her single career in musicals). She's friendly to other groups, too (based on her performance in IY).


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yep, i agree.
HAHAHA, Yeah i did. I died of laughing after watching that vid. SNSD is crazyyy! They're the only girl group that made me laugh!
hahaha Swaggish Hyo XD
hahaha thanks. i hope i'll get to know your own numberings too
i like all of them too ^^
but I have different numberings for them XD :DDD
but i still respect yours and I'm not offended