Half out of hiatus mode!

Annyong! -bows- I've been getting lots of positive comments and getting back some of my subscribers already. And yes, I'm now having that strong desire and urge to write a story keke *^___^* ! Maybe you guys could count that I'm half back from HIATUSSS! *throws confetti* :)) I promise you guys I wouldn't disappoint you guys again! Now the only thing next to do, get some inspiration from ALL OF YOU GUYS and start writing a fantastic story for you all! :D so pleaseeee, I only request a tiny request from you all : Can you all give me some suggestions on what story would you guys want? Any characters you would love to see them appear in my new story? I ACCEPT DMs, COMMENTS and WALL MESSAGES. So please post all suggestions in either. :-) LOVE YA ALL! SARANGGHAEEE =^.^= xoxo, girky6


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