Dear Miss_Yoo...








Since last week, unnie, dynar, and jun_koi_mi have been thinking about what we're gonna do for your birthday...


But since we were somehow blank, we couldn't find any idea.


So we were quite sad about it, especially unnie, because the gift you three have given me for my own birthday


And unnie's thinking hard to make this day special for you



The idea came yesterday

Unnie sent you messages, nagging and telling you that unnie would stop fan-girling DBSK and unnie would quit AFF



But that was of course lie

The fight we had on phone this afternoon, the ignorance unnie performed to you, the anger....

We three had set it up for you

We hope you don't keep it in heart

We're sorry.....................



So happy birthday, dear Miss_Yoo

Unnie hopes you'll always stay healthy, stay friendly, and stay happy

that you'll experience prosperity and longetivity

that you'll grow more mature and lovably

may all your wishes and dreams come true

may you be succesful in every little thing you do

may people you love will always stay by your side

Hope someday we'll meet each other

Hope our friendship still remains no matter what

And hope we could become witnesses of DBSK's reunion




Lastly, unnie hopes that you'll get a chance to meet your ultimate bias, Park 'Micky' Yoochun


God bless you, Unnie loves you


Always Keep The Faith


Find your birthday gift here


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did you know why I my face turned that red?? It's because of dani, her facial expression was so funny, I can't hold back my laugh
Miss_Yoo #2
Haha....amy-ah....your act yesterday is so funny,,,when your face get red...
I know it will be happen miss yoo..huhu
Bcoz i dont think that u dont want to read this blog..uhuhu
U can prank me,bcoc i know u.haha
One more time happy birthday miss yoo..loveuuuuuuuu :*
aigoo, our miss_yoo is here
I expected before, you already read this, coz this mission kinda have a big risk, haha
we already set a mission to dani and Unnie,so it quite easy to guess this mission
Miss_Yoo #5
Awww.....so, you would stop fan-girling DBSK and you would quit from AFF, hah....Aigooo....
Do you think i 100% belive you...hahaha...
Your message is so weird Unnie...
Yeah, i admit sometimes i belive with what did u say, like when we had fight on phone this afternoon, but i still suspicious with you three. I have anticipation, huahahaha.....
Thank's Unnie.....Thank's DyNaR and Jun_Koi_Mi too....muach...muach...muach...:-D

(like i'm kidding you, DyNaR and Jun_Koi_Mi right now by my message, hahaha....)
actually, before i had read your message, i found this blog.
*Big laught.....hahaha....:-D
Yes, she is
where's my birthday girl? Aww, she must be mad at me :(
Our Mission accomplished
Miss_Yoo Really upset this afternoon
Unnie, your acting was so good, she's really think you gonna quit loving DBSK
Wish you always happy^^
Eu kyang kyang~~just wait for miss yoo comment..:)
Unnie..ur so dae to the bak for acting..ckckck
Aigoo..our lovely unnie..:D
Aww how sweet :)