Application for Psychics (J. Tune Camp Girl group!) ^^


Username: MelonCandy

Profile link:



Name: Kim Mi ki (Stage name: Micky)

Birthday: 21stMarch 1993

Nationality: Korean

Languages: Korean, English, German

Personality: Woman of few words but gets crazy high and behaves drunk when she’s sleepy or tired. If she gets too sleepy or tired, she has the habit of falling asleep on the spot. But other than that she hardly says anything because she is very awkward and doesn’t know how to converse with people properly behind the camera. She loses herself when she’s composing though and music becomes a language for her. She is very sensitive and kind but doesn’t know how to show it so people assume that she’s an ice princess because of her expressionless, blank face.

It is hard for people to understand her at first because she doesn’t talk much but once they understand her, they can see that though she can’t talk well, she usually shows her emotions by actions like hugging people to comfort them or sitting alone when she’s upset.

General background: Lived in Switzerland since she was 2 but came back to Korea at 14 years of age because her grandparents weren’t well.

Family background: After coming back to Korea, she stayed there with the rest of her family. Her parents own a small but cosy sauna and she would always practice her activities and hobbies there.

Likes: Composing raps and songs and performing them, drinking coffee, dark chocolate, skinship, singing but not rapping in public though she likes raps a lot, watching reality shows and being on them, trot songs, girly clothes but doesn’t think they suit her so she doesn’t like wearing them.

Dislikes: the way she can’t explain what she’s feeling like, shallow people, orange juice, peas, watching people getting forced into doing something they don’t want to, people intruding her personal space, people saying she has a flat chest and saying she’s not feminine

Hobbies: Taekwondo, judo, karate and other martial arts. Composing songs, playing the guitar, drama clubs



Name of ulzzang: Byun Jiyoung

Photo links: (3+)


Height: 168 cm

Weight: 46 kg


Stage Persona

Stage Name: Micky

Element: Ice

Position: Main vocal

Special skills: martial arts, guitar, acting, gags and making people laugh with her poker face.

Strengths: Dancing, singing, reality shows (she’s good at them because of her talents and because she can make people laugh with her acting and imitations)

Weaknesses: She is too conscious of rapping in front of people even though she can rap well, showing her abs or muscles she has from exercise, people thinking she’s not feminine.

Traineeship: YG trainee for 2 years from when she was 15 but got accepted into J. Tune Camp when she auditioned at 17 years old. She made it in because they were impressed by her composing skills (she sang one of her own songs)



Friends: 2NE1 Minzy (YG  trainees together), MBLAQ Cheondung (met while he was visiting 2NE1 backstage to give their cat to Dara and she was helping out back stage with makeup), IU (met through Cheondung), T-ara Park Jiyeon (met at an acting workshop)

Best Friends: Girl’s day Minah (Went to the same junior high school), Block B P.O (met while auditioning for YG)

Future love interests: MBLAQ Mir (She likes how he is so charismatic while rapping and is always able to express his emotions freely, which is so unlike her).

Past relationships: None.


Extra?: Blood type is O but her fun personality is only shown on reality shows and competitions.
Nickname is Kimicky, because that's what her name sounds like when it is said fast! xD


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