Why I should exist...



[Lucia Micarelli]

contact information

username: ke_xin

profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/80976

who are you?

name: Dong Leora (Korean father, Italian mother)

species: human

age: 20

personality: I am my name, which means compassion and light. Even in this world where to trust and care for others is to risk your life, I do so. Whenever I'm with people, I can't help acting like a mother, trying to take care of them and protect them. This also shows two of my other important qualities; loyalty and determination. I wasn't there to save my family and my best friend died for me. I won't let that happen someone else if I can do something. I love reading and learning, which explains why I try to collect what books are left. I've mostly educated myself and I'm always eager to teach or discuss what I know. I try to be as diplomatic as possible, the result of being the oldest in my family. Another side effect of this is my sunny nature. I try to make those around me happy by looking on the bright side of things. Unfortunately or fortunately, I'm also a romantic, looking for the good in people and hoping to find the one for me, which sometimes clashes with my pratical side. Other random aspects of me are tidiness, detail oriented, resourceful, and creative.

background: When the vampires started taking over, I was away from my family attending college. I tried to get home as soon as possible, but I ended up having to make my own way when it got too dangerous to use the usual means of transportation. I thought they'd be safe, living away from the cities, but I was wrong. By the time I got there, my family was gone. My best friend got back around the same time, but her family was gone too. We took two of my family's horses and my dog, setting out into the deep mountains. We stayed there as long as possible, eventually finding a cave and making our home there. On one of our forays into an abandonded town for supplies, we came across a group of vampires. We almost escaped, but then they brought down her horse. I tried to take her on mine, but she threw the reins from my hands and slapped my horse. By the time I got control, it was too late. Since then, I've been moving around the mountains, having camps here and there. I let any humans I find share the closest camp, trying to help and I've set up alarm systems around each one. Having my dog helps too.

family: On my own now; My parents, Dong Seungol and Maria Palermo, were teachers. My dad was quiet, but always ready to give me a smile. My mom was warm and laughing, always putting her family first. I had three younger siblings; Dom, Anna, and David, who were still students. Dom loved teasing his younger siblings and dreamed of being an astronaut. Anna was sweet and bit of a princess, but she loved animals. David was a singer from as soon as he could talk and he was excited to be in his school play.

likes: books, lying in the sun, sweet things, animals, hugs

dislikes: ignorant/callous people, heights, running, math

habits: biting on tongue when concentrating, thinking out loud, forgetting where I put things, making up songs for everyday actions

hobbies: writing stories or poems, drawing, sewing, hiking

trivia: still haven't been kissed, can cook really well, can speak five languages (Korean, Italian, English, Chinese, Spanish)

occupation: I don't have one. Working in a specific place is too risky and I get get most of what I need myself or scavenging

secret: I feel its my fault my loved ones died; I wasn't fast or strong enough

skills: sewing, first aid, good with animals, know my way about the mountains


love bites

love interest: Myungsoo, Kris,  Chanyeul

personality: Myungsoo:we've never spoken, Kris: neutral, both of us are curious about each other because of similar intelligence, Chanyeol: not sure, he felt a strange atachment and so was gentler, while I reserve judgement


relationship: Myungsoo: Never met, but I saw him once on one of my trips for supplies and I've heard stories. He's kind of an ideal/hero I guess; Kris: if I get captured I guess, and although I hate the idea of vampires for what they took from me, I know they aren't the same ones and I can't help but be curious about them. Chanyeol: On the day my friend died, Chanyeol was the vampire who almost caught me. However, for some reason, after I jumped a stream, I looked back and saw him on the opposite bank, simply watching. He gave me a little smile before running back and dissapearing. I'm not sure if he was being kind or lazy or toying with me.


 blood shed

anything else/requests/suggestions/comments: Just let everything flow. Ideas, especially the good ones, usually come as you're writing. Good luck.



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