Of Gods and Goddesses Application

Application Form:

AFF Username: nothings-over

Who you are applying for: Goddess of Education and Language (Youngjae)

Birth Name : Jeon Jihye

Ht: 164 cm      Wt: 42 kg

DoB: October 26, 1994


Jihye is THE HUMAN ENCYCLOPEDIA. She knows everything as her friends and classmates say, to the point that people question if she's human (lol), because they swear she must be a computer. From astronomy to World War II to Shakespeare to Einstein's theory of relativity, this girl has you covered. You can mention just one thing slightly related to a topic that piques her interest, and suddenly she's spewing facts like the fountain of knowledge. She loves learning and studying, so people call her a nerd, but she doesn't act all that much like one, so most end up just confused. Jihye sees everything as a puzzle that she needs to solve, and thus has a very strange outlook on people and situations. Even the simplest of problems, she looks at like a case from a detective novel that she then embarks upon solving.

Jihye isn't loud or hyperactive. Actually she's fairly mellow most of the time, but if something that does interest her is brought up, she will not stop talking until someone tapes shut. Otherwise, she is fairly complacent the majority of the time, opting to silently read, write, or work on a puzzle. She is always open to helping others, often tutoring, and is someone with a soft smile and eyes glinting with knowledge to bestow. Because while she loves to learn, she loves even more to share her love of learning with others. Jihye also believes that it is essential to study a variety of languages because only then can one understand others. This is important to her because Jihye is someone who always cares and tries to understand other people. Beyond her own wanting to speak, she enjoys listening to others and giving advice. So if she wants to understand, she feels that she must learn as many of the languages of this world as humanly possible! She speaks a total of 7 languages, and it can be quite amusing when she jumps around using snippets of different languages. She speaks: Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, English, German, French, and Greek, as well as others that she hasn't realized she can speak.

Likes: books, astronomy, foreign languages, tea, cake, literature, puzzles, mystery novels, chess, poetry, sharks, snakes, spicy food

Dislikes: bugs, pollution, hypocrites, artificial light

Hobbies: reading, stargazing, writing, puzzles, chess, sketching, listening to music

Trivia: She has a tattoo of a supernova on her neck.

Appearance (3 casual, 3 formal):




   People she is close to: Hanbyul; Kwangyeon --> both from LEDapple

Spirits/Deities she will become close to later: Hanbyul & Kwangyeon - Gatekeepers of the Heavens:

They guard the border between our world and the gods'.

Background Info:

Jihye was discovered lying in a library by an old man who owned the library. The old man had no children and because there was nobody to claim the baby after he reported the situation, rather than leaving her, he adopted her and decided to raise her as his own. Being raised by a librarian (I don't know how else to phrase it), she grew up loving to learn and read, which is why nothing really seemed out of the ordinary about this child. But slowly, the old man was beginning to notice her knowing far more than someone her age should, and even more than he knew, and as an old man, he was very wise. As she grew up, it seemed as if she was wiser than all the people who the old man had ever encountered combined. She could speak languages she had never been taught. The old man understood that there was something special about the child. When he finally passed away when she was about 14 years old, his final words to her were, "You are far more special than you know child. Your knowledge is so extensive even the greatest of libraries could never contain it. Do not forget your own wisdom. Wisdom which reaches beyond your years, beyond your time. I have raised you as my own, but now I hope your mind will guide you to who you truly are meant to be, guide you to discover yourself. Athena herself would be proud of you." With that, she was left inheriting the library, where she pondered what he meant, and where she continues to contemplate the meaning of his words.

How she met him:
As Youngjae was on earth, he came across a library and even though he should have been searching, the temptation was too great. He just felt completely compelled to go check it out. So then he entered the library. It was suprisingly fairly empty, save for about two or three students doing research. While walking through the aisles simply soaking up the presence of the high bookshelves, he came across a girl sitting in a corner reading a large textbook on astronomy. Fascinated by the sheer immensity of the book, it was larger than her torso! He walked over and asked her how the book was. Peering up and over, Jihye smiled broadly and began an indepth explanation of what she was reading, currently she was reading a chapter on Supernovas. The girl seriously just would not stop talking about how interesting it was. Then somehow she ended up switching midspeech into Japanese from Korean and didn't even realize it. Youngjae picked up on it though and was shocked. When she did it again, switching two speaking Russian this time, he stopped her. He asked her which languages she spoke, which confused her. She was back to Korean and she said she knew: Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, English, German, French, and Greek. Noticing Russian wasn't on the list, he askd her if she spoke it. She replied with a simple "nope!" It was then that he realized that there was something not normal about her, and he thought about his mission. This was when he came to the conclusion she must be the one he was searching for. I mean, he is the God of Wisdom for a reason.


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