Le Application 

Contact Info

*Username : MulticultureINSPRIT

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Your Character

*Name: Crystal-Yume Cha Matsua





*Hometown: San Francisco, Ca America

*Personality: kind hearted and caring, I thinks of other people before, actually thinking of herself. I love helping people. I believe never to judge someone based on appearance.

I get angry when people judge me, saying things like i'm just a child, or a brat, i really dislike ageyo users, whos uses it every 5 seconds, people who fake cuteness, make me annyoned 

But i also loves to joke around and tease people, but not to the point where it hurts them. I don' t like it so much when I gets tease, I start pouting and whining. I can a bit of a baby, as I  was the youngest and only girl, in my family so I was spoiled growing up. 

I'm not a morning person, it's really bad, i'm not as happy, i'm quiet so i won't snap at someone, cause i'm usually more angry 

my personality changes when i'm with a boy she like.  I become more shy and more clumsy, I gets jealous more easily too.I won't get upset with him and I  become more carefree. I can't stay mad at him, to other people who I can hold a grudge to days.   i don't trust people easily, because my father broke promises often. I often made girls jealous because of my  ability to talk to boys easily, but I never had that more then friends feeling or brother feelings towards them.


Classical Music

Sleeping in

Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney series 

Playing with Babies
Skinship and cuddling
Jokes(Even corny ones)
Rice  crackers
Playing or dancing in the rain



Thunder storms

Breaking promises


Messing up on hangul

Rude people




Sleep walking when nervous

Laughing when sleepy

Writing in english before writing the hangul

Gabbing people during powerouts and thunder storms

Mimicking people in sarcastic way when jealous

Saying I love you to her close friends

Saying Objection when she disagrees 

Speaking in English when Angry or really sad


*Hobbies/Trivia: Playing the Violin and the Clarinet

Writing poems and stories 

Baking Sweets

Learning Mandarin 


In college, studying to be an defense Lawyer 

Gain a scholarship, for having a 5.2 grade point average(It's possible, i'm a nerd)

Allergic to Orange Juice 

Was a cheerleader, in america



*Ulzzang: Park HyoJin 

*Picture Links:







DongJun Cha|56|Appa| He a head Pastry Chef, at his bakery in Busan 

Matsua Yumi|50| Umma| She a head doctor at a children hosiptal 


Shiro Cha|28|Eldest Brother|he extremely protective, he was the main one who didn't want me to move to korea, he so clingy, at times he acts younger then me
Ryosuke Cha|25|2nd Eldest Brother| he a japanese actor, we are very close, he spoiles me the most
DoJin Cha|23|3rd older brother| He my 'Chair' I used to sit on his lap, all the time, i always went to him when i was sad, he was also my teddy bear too
Junha Cha|22|Yongest Older Brother| We fight alot, but he overprotective of me, esspecially when it comes to boys


Diana Choi |19| She an Upcoming actress| One of my best friend in whole wide world, who i can tell her anything and she could tell me. She like my sister, we fight alot, but in the end, we stay friends

Aron|21| Member of boy group NU'EST| He has been my best friend since we lived in america, then we found each other in S.Korea, People say we act like Newly Weds, but we always just give them the 'wth?' face, but we are really close, we skinship each other alot, but as friends, we used to make his girlfriends jealous all the time. But we have a thing where we say i love you to each other.

Yuko Suzuka |21| She a college student studying in the field of sociology | My best friend, who more like a mother then my actual mom.


*The Boys 

Yongguk|21|BAP|He very Mature, he a natural-born leader, he a very authority type of person, he bossy, but his laugh is very contagious, he always making people  laugh, when he know someone  sad, he'll comfort them in a quiet way when he mad, it get's kind of scary, as he has a dark glare on his face and he doesn't say anything, to the person he mad at he acts like they're not there. When he's jealous he acts similar to when he mad, but he more observent, and he talks, but in a rude way and is more clingy | At first we were shy with each other, until we slowly opened up to each other. Always teasing each other, about anything and everything, but we'll stop if it hurts the other person too much. We play around all the time, Joking, mimicking each other words, then laughing.  he loves to tease me especially when i mess up, or trip and fall, he laugh about then help me up. But he a closet Skinship Fanatic, he loves touching people. 


Couple Name:Tease Me Not  Couple Or Tease Couple, Or Sports Couple



Rival :

SongJieun |21|Secret| She and Yongguk are the same age, so she says they are a better fit, as i'm still just a child, and i can't make him happy as she could. She always clings on Yongguk, They always hold hands, but it not friendly way, jieun always making him, hug her. Jieun always seem to bash me, when i'm away, but since they work in the same company, I don't get to hear or see what see says so sometime Yongguk believes her, cause "She knows, alot" they are really close, i know  she calls me a child, and says he should focus on woman. She not as sweet and cute as she is with yongguk, she quite rude.


*Password: B.A.P Power or FATCAT is being pretty everything

Cameos you want on the show: I was kinda confused, A Married Couple


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