My school is having a Music Festival with other High Schools..

My friends and I are going to perform in the music festival..We're going to perform DBSK's 'Mirotic',INFINITE's 'BTD',and Teen Top's 'Clap'.
I'm so excited and super nervous at the same time!!Well,I'm happy RGurasu(Search her up if you don't know her :D..) is going,since she is my cousin's friend and my cousin did invite her~
I'm also so happy to meet her~!Ever since I met RGurasu on AFF,we've been talking a lot whenever we had time(But due to her not being able to go on a lot because of some family issues >.>...It was only about a 4 minute chat ._.)..
I feel so old though,she always calls me Noona..well,I am 16 and she is 11..wait no..she 13..I DON'T KNOW HOW OLD SHE IS..
My friends and I were just planning on performing BTD and CLAP,but I being the leader,decided that we should also do Mirotic since a lot of people find it catchy..and I love that song..also DBSK/TVXQ!We're like..the only people who are going to dance to a foreign language..I'm still excited~!People will be able to hear what K-pop sounds like ;)..


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