92 truths (stolen from Ashmy_ash)


RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. You have to be completely truthful. :P


(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people in the right hand corner of the app then click publish.)


1. last beverage = water

2. last phone call = papa? (he called last week. xD)

3. last text message = Kua Hershey (my brother/oppa/)

4. last song you listened to = Step - KARA

5. last time you cried = this last last night?

6. first house = we don't move to other house. xD

7. first car = none. (i'm still studying..)

8. first crush = Dandave (when we were in kindergarten. xD)



9. dated someone twice = IDK.

10. been cheated on = yes.

11. kissed someone & regretted it = NO. Absolutely NO.

12. lost someone special = Yes.

13. been depressed = Of course, Normal people been depressed.

14. been drunk and threw up = No way! I don't drink alcohol.



15. Purple





18. Made a new friend =  Yes.

19. Laughed until you cried = Yes. Because of my bestfriend.

20. Met someone who changed you = Jesus Christ.

21. Found out who your true friends were = Yes.

22. Found out someone was talking about you = Yes. My friends, oppas, unnies, bestfriends, critics/haters.. xD

23. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = No.



24. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = I dunno. Maybe.. I really dunno. xD

25. Do you have any pets = Yes.

26. Do you want to change your name = No? It's okay. It's a blessing. :D

27. What did you do for your last birthday = I waited for my friends to go with me. Haha. 

28. What time did you wake up today= 6:15. but I slept again. So, I wake up 7:45. And I'm late for the seminar. XD

29. What were you doing at midnight last night = Sleeping. :D

30. Name something you CANNOT wait for = Hmm. IDK. All things happen for a reason. SO, I wait for the right time...?

31. Last time you saw your Mother = 5 seconds ago. XD

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = My hair. XD

33. What are you listening to right now = None.

34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Tom? No. But Ton. XD

35. What's getting on your nerves right now = Hmm. I dunno. NONE?

36. Most visited webpage = FB-AFF-TWITTER.

37. Nickname/s = Ehya/Eya/Eeya, Bibi, M'M, Yuka/Iuka, Marie, Boyangyang.. XD (so embarassing. O.o)

38. Relationship Status = Single! PROUD TO BE.^^

 39. When did have your first phone = When I was Grade 3.

40. Zodiac sign = Virgo

41. Elementary = ICL School.

42. High School = VPHS.

43. College = I'm still a high school student..

44. Hair color = Black

45. Long or short = Not so long.

46. Height = 155 cm/5.0853 ft. so I can say it's 5'1 xD

47. When was your 1st flight journey = When I was a baby.. I dunno how old months?

48. Do you have a crush on someone? = Yes. 

49. What do you like about yourself? = All. Because God makes me beautiful. :))

50. Piercings = Two. But I haven't hang any earings..two years ago? so it's closed maybe. XD

51. Tattoos = None.

52. Righty or lefty=  Righty.



53. First piercing = Ear Piercings. 

54. First best friend = Alexcine.

55. First sport you joined = Basketball. XD

56. First vacation = When I was a baby. My mother brought me to father in his workplace, a ship. XD

57. First surgery = None.

58. First pair of trainers = Huh?




59. Eating = None.

60. Drinking = None.

61. I'm about to = Pee. XD

62. Listening to= None.

63. Waiting for = Pictures they took yesterday and today in our seminar.



64. Want kids? = Yes. Twins. I want twins. XD Mixed Twins. Boy and a girl. :D

65. Get Married? = Yes. But I want to be married to the right one which God will give me. :)

66. Career? = Doctor. Pastor?Worshiper?



67. Lips or eyes = Eyes.

68. Hugs or kisses= Hugs.

69. Shorter or taller = Both?

70. Older or Younger = Both?

71. Romantic or spontaneous = Romantic.

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Both.

73. Sensitive or loud = Loud. XD (Im loud too eh. :P)

74. Hook-up or relationship = IDK.

75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant?




76. Kissed a stranger = Yuck. NO!

77. Drank hard liquor = No.

78. Lost glasses/contacts = No.

 79. on first date = Eww. NO!

80. Broke someone's heart = Yes? XD

81. Had your own heartbroken = Yes.

82. Been arrested = No.

83. Turned someone down = Yes?

84. Cried when someone died = Yes.

85. Fallen for a friend = Yes?



86. Yourself = Yes. Kinda.

 87. Miracles = Yes.

88. Love at first sight = Yes?

89. Heaven = YES! OF COURSE!

90. Santa Claus = NO.

91. Kiss on the first date = HUH?

92. Angels = Yes.



THANK YOU Ashmy_ash :)))))


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hehehe.. U're welcome.