y me >.


Huwaaaa well this was just a recent ranking between my friends and I since we’re one of those weird groups… so uhm, this is the yness ranking, the first rank placer is the most y leaving the most innocent one as of in the last rank… my peer is only consist of 5 people so its 1-5


You clearly know who my friends are so the people involve would be [freakincool09, missdollar,yoimjj31, pastelmint and kristalesa]


Before, the ranking would be like this:







freakincool09&missdollar tied in first rank since they were like pals about y stuffs and the normal conversation of the group would be like this:


freakincool09: oh! Look at that! Y~

missdollar: where? Where?

pastelmint: yah! You two, stop that

yoimjj31: *no comment*

kristalesa: *busy with random stuffs and oblivious to what’s happening*


and after two years, the ranking became like this:

1 kristalesa

2 yoimjj31





So from rank 5 I became rank 1 kyaaaaaaaaa, know what happened? Well this is how it went…


Kristalesa: question… do we have a y ranking?

freakincool09: let me think about it,

yoimjj31: you’re the rank one, you are so y, kristalesa

Kristalesa: yah! yah! Isn’t the first rankers werefreakincool09 missdollar?

missdollar: *laughs* well we used to

freakincool09: I agree! Kristalesa now holds the first rank

Kristalesa: *blinks blinks* how did that happened?

freakincool09: well though missdollar and I watch and reads just like yoimjj31, you are doing more… you read, watch and even write

Kristalesa: *puffs cheeks*




Who would even think that the childish innocent me would be a closet … with this face?






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kolmilyo #2
although you're the iest of all, i still adore missdollar.
ke, ke, ke. . . . .
You're so cute XD


Everyone has a y side;)
You don't look y at all, nor do you seem y. You look sweet and innocent!
you look so sweet!